Speaker Nomination Form
Use this form to suggest a speaker for our upcoming TEDxAustin and/or TEDxAustin Youth event. 
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Part 1: About you (the nominator)
First Name: *
Last Name *
Email address: *
Part 2: About the nominee
Nomination  *
First name of nominee *
Last name of nominee *
Email address *
Telephone *
City *
Gender *
Please share a brief biography that includes information about this potential future TEDx speaker’s connection to their talk topic. 
What is the unique idea that they want to share in a TEDx talk? In a few sentences, please describe the core of the talk idea, and what makes the talk idea new. 
In one sentence, what is the key takeaway that you want the audience to know or feel after hearing this talk? 
Under which of the following categories would this person fall?  (Please select up to 3 options)
Has this person spoken publicly before? If so, where?
Please provide links to online video or audio featuring the proposed speaker.
Please provide links to any articles or web pages about the speaker.
Agreement *
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