Request the Join the - AI Engineers Slack Community
For people who love building products and building companies.  For AI Engineers and Entrepreneurs who like taking ideas from 0 to 1 using cutting edge tools and strategies to unlock value for people.

We share the tools, templates, and techniques so we can all be better.  We share our consulting work and clients with each other so we can all take on larger projects and help our clients get the best results.

We are a Boston-based private community, applications are open to join.  Fill out this form and someone will reach out to schedule a 15 minute video call.
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Email *
Full Name *
LinkedIn URL *
What generative AI or other machine learning tools do you use every week? *
Describe something you built that you are proud of. *
What skills or experience do you hope to contribute to this community? *
What do you hope to gain from this community? *
Would you be open to doing paid Freelance/Consulting work if offered by this community *
Would you be willing to offer Freelance/Consulting work to other members of the community? *
What is the best number or email to reach you at
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