We Demand City Council Democrats Vote YES on Councilmember Kshama Sawant's Legislation to Ban Caste Discrimination in Seattle!

Caste discrimination is a widespread and increasingly grave contributor to workplace discrimination and bias faced by South Asian Americans and other immigrants—not just in other countries, but here in Seattle and across the United States. Data from Equality Labs show that one in four caste-oppressed people in the U.S. faced physical and verbal assault, one in three faced education discrimination, and two in three (sixty seven percent) faced workplace discrimination. This disturbing issue spans many industries, including technology, construction, restaurants and the service industry, and domestic work. Seattle is one of the cities where caste discrimination remains a largely hidden and unreported issue. 

If City Council Democrats vote YES, this legislation would make Seattle the first city in the nation to outlaw caste discrimination! 

The fight against caste discrimination is deeply connected to the fight against all forms of oppression, and against the economic exploitation of the vast majority of people under capitalism. Sign the petition today and join the struggle against all oppression and for a different kind of society!
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