Warner Scout Reserve Dietary Restrictions & Food Allergies
The survey will take approximately 4 minutes to complete.
NOTE: Please note that while the WSR and Camps Tukabatchee and Hobbs strive to accommodate the dietary needs of all participants, we are unable to honor food request for diets that are not specifically classified as religious and/or for medical reasons.
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I am a *
Participant, Scout, or Staff Member Name: *
Is the participant, scout, or staff member Youth or Adult? *
Arrival Date (mm/dd/yyyy) *
Departure Date (mm/dd/yyyy) *
Unit Type *
Unit Number or Name *
Program Type *
If you selected "other" above, please provide the name of the program/event. 
Please check the box for each restriction/allergy *
If you chose "other" on the question above, please specify if the dietary need is medical or religious.
Clear selection
In reference to the question above, what are your dietary needs or allergies? (Subject to review and approval.)
Please provide an email address where you can be reached if we need to further discuss information or have questions.  *
Other Comments.
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