Interest Form
Organizations interested in being part of the 2023 Summer Visions Internships Program (VIP) - Please complete this form by Friday, May 5th.
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Email *
Organization Name *
Contact First and Last Name, Best Phone # *
How does your organization help people/planet?  *
What MORE would you like to do to increase your organization's social/environmental impact?
Is your organization a for-profit or nonprofit?
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Approximate # of full-time employees?
Approximate # of part-time employees?
Approximate # of independent contractors?
Approximate # of volunteers?
Does your organization currently have an internship program? *
If you DO have an internship program (or used to), what would you improve about it?
Briefly describe your top 3 project needs over the next few months (in order of Most to Least important). *
If selected to be a 2023 Summer VIP client organization, would you (or a lead staff member) be able to dedicate 2-3 hours per week to your interns throughout the 10-week project period?
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How did you hear about our program, and what prompted you to fill out this form now? *
What questions do you have for Visions Internships? There are no dumb questions... Help Us Help You! ;)
Typically what is the best day(s), time(s), and way(s) to get in touch with you? Thank You! *
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