Application for Sandra's Milonguer@ Tango Tour: November 18-26, 2023
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Email *
Name & Last Name *
Phone *
City and State of residence: *
How did you hear about this trip? Do you have a Code? *
Tell us a bit about you (100 words or less) *
How tall are you? (to try to match you up with a dancer of comfortable height for you)
How long have you been dancing tango? *
Do you attend milongas regularly? *
What attracted you the most about this Tango Experience in Buenos Aires? *
Are you planning to travel solo? *
Do you want to be matched with another traveler if possible? Solo travelers are welcome! *
If traveling with a partner, indicate name (they require separate application):
Is this your first trip to Argentina? *
Are you interested in staying longer to visit any other destination in Argentina?  *
What do you expect to get out of this experience? *
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