Everfree Northwest 2024 Attendee Survey
Attendee feedback is important for us to be able to put on the best events we possibly can. Thank you for your input!
How did you hear about Everfree Northwest?
Was this your first time attending a My Little Pony convention?
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Was this your first time attending Everfree Northwest?
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How old are you?
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How many people were in your party?
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Are you local to the Pacific Northwest region?
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If not, where are you from?
What are your top reasons for coming to Everfree Northwest?
Select up to 7 top factors influencing your decision to come to EFNW each year. We know; it's hard to choose! But please really pick just the top 7, if you absolutely *had* to pick just a few favorites.
If you answered "Other" to the above, what other factors do you consider to be important in your decision to attend the convention?
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