IRB Protocol: 27664
Principal Investigator(s): Hannah Levenson,, 919.434.7882
Funding Source: USDA SCRI
You are being asked to participate in a short research survey with the goal of collecting information on the impact of spotted wing drosophila (SWD) infestation on agricultural production in the United States, as well as the impact of SWD research. The following questions will ask you about your current situation and your situation 5 - 10 years ago. The information from this survey will be used to prioritize future research, extension, and education activities. The data will be completely de-identified and stored in a secure location. Individual responses will not be presented, rather survey data may be summarized by state, crop, farm size, or farm type.
Participation in the survey is strictly voluntary. You can choose not to participate in the study or stop participating at any time.
There are minimal risks associated with allowing your information to be used as data in this study and there are no direct benefits to you from participating in this research.
If you have any questions about the research or how it is implemented, please contact Hannah Levenson,, 919.434.7882. If you have questions about your rights as a participant or are concerned with your treatment throughout the research process, please contact the NC State University IRB Director at, 919-515-8754, or fill out a confidential form online at
By continuing to the questions below, you consent to participate in this research.