4) Course selection and number of electives for students with IEPs may be determined at the Annual Case Conference.
5) For students interested in Honors courses, please
CLICK HERE to see the information regarding High Ability on the School Town of Munster website.
6) Your child may be recommended for courses other than the ones that he/she has chosen based upon ILEARN or NWEA scores.
7) Please know that we will do our best to give your child their top elective choices, however due to scheduling conflicts, enrollment, and staffing, your student may be assigned to courses that were not in your top choice.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
Julie Atkinson
Lindsay Grunewald
School Counselor (A-K)
School Counselor (L-Z)
jeatkinson@munster.us ltgrunewald@munster.us