Scheduling for 6th Grade, 2024-2025
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This form needs to be completed by MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26TH! *
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

1) This form must be completed by Monday, February 26th. If this form is not submitted by that date, then courses will be chosen by your child’s School Counselor.

2)  We are asking you to please rank the following potential 6th grade electives in order of your preference.  

3)  CLICK HERE to view a google slide presentation with course information.

4)  Course selection and number of electives for students with IEPs may be determined at the Annual Case Conference.

5)  For students interested in Honors courses, please CLICK HERE to see the information regarding High Ability on the School Town of Munster website.

6)  Your child may be recommended for courses other than the ones that he/she has chosen based upon ILEARN or NWEA scores.

7)  Please know that we will do our best to give your child their top elective choices, however due to scheduling conflicts, enrollment, and staffing, your student may be assigned to courses that were not in your top choice.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

Julie Atkinson          Lindsay Grunewald
School Counselor (A-K) School Counselor (L-Z) 

6th Grade Sample Schedule
Potential Course Offerings for 6th Graders
CLICK HERE for a powerpoint with descriptions of the elective options.

*Band/Orchestra/Choir        *6th Grade Art                   *Coding & Web Design  

*Exploring Music                   *Computer Graphics             

 *PE-Elective                           *Ceramics                                


How many electives will my student get?
6th grade students will typically be able to fit 1-3 semesters of electives into their schedules, depending on math-placement and if a student wants to take a performing-music course

6th grade math placement will be determined by 5th grade math level and/or 5th grade NWEA scores.  Placement letters will be mailed home regarding 6th grade math placement around April 26th.  If parents choose to appeal, they will be notified of appeal status by May 17th.

We would like you to select an elective for each of the options below so we know your top choices as well as your alternate choices

Students are not guaranteed 1-3 semesters of electives, depending on their individual needs (ie, students with a Resource class, students in an Intervention course, etc)
Please rank the following 6th grade electives in order of preference:
Choice #1 - Full year music (Courses that last for 2 semesters) *
If you want Band, Orchestra, or Choir in your student's schedule, it must be entered here as Choice #1.  

Please be aware that students in Band and Orchestra are required to either rent or purchase an instrument for use at school/home.
Choice #2 (Courses that are 1-semester) *
Each option listed in Choices #2-7 may only be chosen 1 time
Choice #3 (Courses that are 1-semester) *
Each option listed in Choices #2-7 may only be chosen 1 time
Choice #4 (Courses that are 1-semester) *
Each option listed in Choices #2-7 may only be chosen 1 time
Choice #5 (Courses that are 1-semester) *
Each option listed in Choices #2-7 may only be chosen 1 time
Choice #6 (Courses that are 1-semester) *
Each option listed in Choices #2-7 may only be chosen 1 time
Choice #7 (Courses that are 1-semester) *
Each option listed in Choices #2-7 may only be chosen 1 time
I understand that due to scheduling conflicts, enrollment, and staffing, the courses my student receives for 6th grade may not be the top courses I have chosen *
On a more personal note, what would you say your 5th grader is feeling most excited about for next year?
Is there anything in particular your 5th grader is feeling nervous about for next year?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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