Ameliasburgh Fall Fair feedback
Thank you for coming to the 2024 Ameliasburgh Fall Fair!

We want to hear your feedback so we can keep improving the Fair. Please fill this quick survey and let us know your thoughts (your answers will be anonymous unless you choose to share your email with us).
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How much did you enjoy the Ameliasburgh Fall Fair? *
Not at all
Very much
If you brought children with you, how much did they enjoy the Fair?
Not really
It was great!
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How happy were you with the food options? *
Not very
Very happy
If you entered an item in the exhibits, would you enter again?
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If you answered "No", please could you tell us why?
How far did you travel to get to the Fair?
How did you hear about the Ameliasburgh Fall Fair? *
What did you think of our website? *
The Fair's success relies on volunteers! If you'd be interested in getting involved, please enter your email below.
Not sure about volunteering? Our wrap-up potluck dinner on the 17th October is a great opportunity to see what the Fair board is all about, and to share your ideas for next year.
Any overall feedback to share?
Anything else you'd like us to know about your experience of this year's Fair?
Was there something that stood out to you as especially great this year? Perhaps one of the volunteers helped you out, a performance really blew you away, or a kids activity was a big hit with your family - if you've got a compliment, tell us so we can pass it on!
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