Survey on First RCE Thematic Conference
Thank you very much for participating in the first RCE Thematic Conference held from 5-7 December 2017 in Okayama, Japan. For improving contents and logistics of our events in future, we would like to hear your feedbacks. Please spare your 10 minutes and provide us with your honest thoughts and suggestions!
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Q1: Overall organization of the conference *
Q2: Support of Global RCE Service Centre before/during conference *
Q3: Support of RCE Okayama Secretariat before/during conference *
Q4: Please make recommendation/suggestions for improving conference organization in future *
Q5: Communication of conference information and registration (RCE Bulletin, Facebook, Conference Website) *
Q6: Online registration and use of the Conference Website to communicate conference information *
Q7: Please make recommendations/ suggestions for improving communication of conference information in future *
Q8: Overall interest/value of the Introductory Session, ’RCE Network Toward Achieving SDGs’ (5 December) *
Q9: Overall interest/value of the Plenary 1, ‘Okayama Session on SDGs: Panel Discussion on Further Development of ESD toward the achievement of SDGs’ (5 December) *
Q10: Overall interest/value of the Plenary 2, ‘Okayama Session on SDGs: Towards Further Multi-stakeholder Partnerships between Industry and Academia for the SDGs’ (5 December) *
Q11: Overall interest/value of the Parallel Session 1 Case Presentation by themes – ‘Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Indigenous and Local Knowledge’ (5 December) *
Q12: Overall interest/value of the Parallel Session 1 Case Presentation by themes – ‘Climate Change’ (5 December) *
Q13: Overall interest/value of the Parallel Session 1 Case Presentation by themes – ‘Sustainable Consumption and Production’ (5 December) *
Q14: Overall interest/value of the Plenary 3, ‘Orientation to UN Platforms on Biodiversity, Climate Change & Sustainable Consumption and Production’ (6 December) *
Q15: Overall interest/value of the Workshop Sessions 1 Workshop by Theme: Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, Indigenous and Local Knowledge’, (6 December) *
Q16: Overall interest/value of the Workshop Sessions 1 Workshop by Theme: Climate Change’, (6 December) *
Q17: Overall interest/value of the Workshop Sessions 1 Workshop by Theme: Sustainable Consumption and Production’, (6 December) *
Q18: Overall interest/value of the Plenary 4, ‘Closing Plenary’ (6 December) *
Q19: Overall interest/value of the field trip organized by RCE Okayama, ‘Okayama City Tour’ (7 December) *
Q20: Overall interest/value of the field trip organized by RCE Okayama, ‘Maniwa City Biomass Tour’ (7 December) *
Q21: Variety of Programme sessions/streams and length of the programme day *
Q22: Overall interest/value of the Poster Exhibition from RCEs and local participants *
Q23: How would you evaluate the welcome reception (4 December)? *
Q24: How would you evaluate the farewell dinner (7 December)? *
Q25: What did you learn at the conference that will help you to improve ESD Practice in your RCE and beyond? *
Q26: What kind of actions will you take based on the discussion at the Conference? *
Q27: Which part of the First RCE Thematic Conference was the most valuable and memorable to you? *
Q28: What kind of recommendations/suggestions would you like to make to improve communication for the next conference programme? *
Q29: What type of sessions/contents would you like to see at the next RCE Conference? *
Q30: Please suggest international sustainability processes that you would like RCEs to be engaged with.  Pick up to three. *
Q31: Which of the SDGs is your RCE especially interested in engaging with? Pick up to three. *
Name (Optional)
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