Free Sample Request
Thank you for your interest in Color Street! Color Street are 100% nail polish strips that apply quickly & easily with no tools and no drying time. And best of all, they last up to 14 days and can be removed with regular nail polish remover. Request your FREE SAMPLE today!
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What is Color Street
The Color Street Challenge
First & Last Name *
Are you a guest in a party/event? If yes, who's party. *
If you are not a guest from a party/event, where did you hear about me?
Your Email Address *
Where would you like your Color Street sample mailed? (Please include full address with City/State/Zip) *
Be sure to join my VIP group to  get in on great deals, and see new releases first. Not to mention all the fun we have.
What's your typical nail personality? *
Would you be interested in earning FREE & Discounted nail sets for hosting a Nailbar? *
Would you be interested in learning how you can get 25% off your sets for life (& make money) while earning FREE & Discounted nail sets by becoming a Stylist? *
Thank you for requesting your sample! Look for it in the mail in just a few days!  
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