WiA 2024 Licensure Sponsorship Application
The goal of the AIA Austin Women in Architecture Call to Action Subcommittee is to identify and remove barriers for minority women in the field of architecture. We have initiatives planned at various stages throughout a woman's career, including licensure. This year we plan to award two licensure sponsorships in the amount of $250 each. The deadline to apply is 6:00pm on Friday August 30th, 2024.
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Please provide your first and last name. *
Please provide your email address.
Do you identify as a woman or as non-binary?
What is your ethnicity?
Do you live in the Greater Austin Metropolitan area?
Where in your licensure journey are you?
Please provide a short paragraph explaining your financial hardship and need for a licensure sponsorship. (150 words maximum)
For the sponsorship to have an effect on your licensure journey, we would like to ask for your accountability. How would you plan to document and provide information on your use of the sponsorship to demonstrate it made a difference for you? (150 words maximum)
Thank You For Applying
The submission deadline is 6:00pm on August 30th, 2024. WiA Austin will be announcing recipients the week of September 15th.
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