GDG CDO x IWD 2018 Registration Form
IWD 2018: Building a New Horizon will be this coming April 22, 2017 at the Rosario Pavilion, Rosario Crescent, Cagayan de Oro City (map link:

Kindly fill in the information below as honest as possible.

By filling the information below, you agree to share your information to GDG CDO's organizers and sponsors. You also hereby grant the GDG CDO full permission to any and all of the foregoing to use your name and photo in any broadcast, telecast, video or print media reporting or advertising of the event without compensation.

Name *
Format: Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial
Gender *
Age *
E-mail Address *
Must be an active e-mail address since we are sending out announcements from time to time up to the event
Mobile Number *
City/Municipality *
Occupation/Course *
School/Company *
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