Adoption Application
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Adopter Name *
Complete Mailing Address *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
What is the name of the animal that we have that you are interested in adopting?
Due to breed restrictions, do you rent or own your home? *
How long have you lived at your residence? *
How many people  live in your household? *
How many animals live in your household? *
Name of animals: *
If you own your animals, who is your vet? *
If renting, do you have landlord's permission to adopt a dog? What is your landlords contact info? *
Does your property have a yard? *
Does your property have a fence? *
How many hours of the day would the dog or cat be alone? *
Why do you want a dor/cat? *
Are you prepared for veterinary expenses such as emergency medical problems, yearly vaccinations, heartworm and flea/tick preventatives? *
Name the animals you have had in the past 10 years that you no longer have.  List reasons why you don't have them. *
Have you ever contacted a rescue to pick up a stray animal that has been on your property? *
Have you ever sold, gave away, or surrendered an animal to a shelter? *
Where would the dog/cat stay when alone? *
Where would the dog/cat sleep at night? *
Thank you for wanting to rescue!!
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