Knit the Spike Protein - Sign Up Form
Welcome to the "Knit the Spike Protein", a series of events organized by artist Pei Ying-Lin.
This event is part of a project named Studies of Interbeing - Trance 1:1 and is an attempt to ‘design’ a ritual that enables humans to ‘talk’ to viruses. Find more info here: 

There are two ways to join the event, as a Committed Knitter or as a Casual Knitter:

A. As a Committed Knitter, you will take part of the project by joining all or some of the online knitting gatherings within August 28th. There is a number of six gatherings happening every other Saturday. You can find time and date in the next form.

As a Committed knitter you:

- get knitting supplies and the Spike Protein pattern for free (delivered at your home)
- will be part of the first, one of a kind, online knitting community and knit with people from all over the world
- your name will be added to the exhibition description in The Hague
- get the chance to talk to the virus ;)
- have a lot of fun!  

B. As a Casual Knitter, you will take part of the project by knitting the Spike Protein whenever you have time.
As a Casual Knitter you:
- get the Spike Protein pattern for free
- will be part of the first, one of a kind, online knitting community and knit with people from all over the world
- get the chance to talk to the virus ;)
- share your own creation on our IG account with #knitthespikeprotein
- have a lot of fun!

Thank you for joining us!
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