Cause and Effect Quiz
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If the battery is missing, the bulb is broken, and the switch is off, what is the effect of your flashlight?
10 points
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What is the cause of garden growing ?
10 points
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At a basketball game the crowd cheers after the home team scores a basket. The cheering is the ..... of the team scoring.
10 points
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If a student rises their hand in class, the cause of that action is ...
10 points
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What would be the most likely cause of someone laughing?
10 points
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What would be possible effect of a student not studying for a test?
10 points
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If you spill your milk what is possible effect of that action?
10 points
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There is a rainbow. What is the cause?
10 points
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On a hot day, what is the effect of the weather on your ice cream?
10 points
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What could be a possible cause of buying new clothes?
10 points
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