ACTEM Survey for PD Reimbursement Program
We are asking all ACTEM members that use the professional development reimbursement program to provide us with some feedback on the PD activity they participated in.  

Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
School/District *
What professional development activity did you attend? *
How would you rate this activity?
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Briefly describe something that you learned from participating in this activity *
Would you recommend this activity to other ACTEM members?
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Is there an ACTEM training or conference session that you could present as a result of this training?
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If yes, please provide a brief description.
Do you have photos from your PD activity that ACTEM could use in the newsletter or on our website.
Please email them to
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I give ACTEM permission to share my comments about this PD activity *
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This form was created inside of Association of Computer Technology Educators of Maine.