CALL FOR PAPERS - Cities, climate & inequalities
The Canada Research Chair in Urban Climate Action  and Villes Régions Monde Network are launching the second phase of the Cities, Climate and Inequality collection of research summary. The goal of this collection is to mobilize and disseminate recent research on the links between inequalities, climate action and the social-ecological transition in cities of different sizes, regions and contexts in Canada.

You are invited to submit a text proposal by filling out this form.

The scientific committee will then contact the authors of the selected abstracts in order to proceed to the writing stage.

For any questions, contact us at
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Email *
First and last name of the author *
University, group or institution *
Status *
Current program of study and degree, if applicable
Research team or group, if applicable
Director and co-director, if applicable
Title of the article, report, thesis or dissertation that will be the subject of the synthesis *
Publication date of the article, report, thesis or dissertation that will be the subject of the synthesis
URL of the publication, if available
Name(s) of co-author(s), if applicable
Person who will write the paper if your abstract is selected.
Our grant funds a student of your choice to write the abstract for the publication. Alternatively, a member of our team can write the paper for you. In both cases, the submitted text will be reviewed by the scientific committee and an external evaluator.
Keywords (3 to 4) *
To which of these themes do you associate your research synthesis? *
Summary of your proposal for your text (300-400 words) *
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