Garrett's VIP Client Movie Watch Party
This VIP Client Movie Watch Party presents an exciting screening of the newest sequel of the classic , Indiana Jones! This exclusive event is July 2nd at 3pm and is hosted for my valued clients that features a private screening in a comfortable and intimate setting. I am thrilled to provide my clients with a fun and memorable experience to show my appreciation for their loyalty. Space is VERY LIMITED and will fill up fast!
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Name *
Phone Number *
Note: You will receive a confirmation text a few days before the event to  this number
Number of Tickets *
Craving some popcorn and a refreshing drink? Know someone who might be interested in buying or selling a property in the area? Simply jot down their name and contact information below, or ask them to get in touch with me before the show. As a special treat, I'll make sure your popcorn and your favorite drink are ready and waiting for you!
Comments and/or questions
I understand that space is very limited for this exclusive VIP event. If anything changes and I cannot attend, I will let Garrett know.  *
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