Y4P Fellow Application
Thank you for your interest in being a You4Prevent fellow!

Questions? Contact Amritha at amritha.gourisankar@emory.edu
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Email *
Name *
Email *
Phone number *
What level of training are you at (high school, undergraduate, post-graduate (working), MPH)?
Include year, and which university, if student
Or place of employment if working
Do you speak a language besides English?
If yes to above, please specify
Were you ever part of the Young Physicians Initiative (YPI)?*
Do you have any experience with teaching, counseling, and motivational interviewing? If so, please describe.
What got you excited when you heard about You4Prevent? What are you passionate about, and how can we help you nurture that?
How did you hear about You4Prevent?
Anything else? 
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