Actor Sign-up & Agreement: ALI FORNEY CENTER - Spring 2024
Theatre of the Oppressed NYC (TONYC) believes that every human being is an actor in their own life: by imagining and rehearsing solutions together onstage, we prepare ourselves to take action offstage. Using theatre, we will brainstorm ways to act in a situation in such a way that we can transform discrimination into a chance to change.

Below are the expectations of Actors participating in a troupe, as well as questions requiring the information needed to send your stipend payments. Please read all information. You will receive a copy of your submitted responses to your email.

VIRTUAL REQUIREMENTS: Due to COVID-19 restrictions and safety precautions, some TONYC rehearsals and events have moved ONLINE. To participate in this troupe you will need regular access to a device that can connect to the internet and online video meetings. Please note this requires you to be on camera for all or part of each rehearsal. If this is not possible or your situation changes, please let [TITLE/NAME/E-MAIL/PHONE] know.

IN-PERSON REQUIREMENTS: All participation for in-person events is voluntary. If you chose to participate in any in-person rehearsals, performances, meetings, etc. you agree to follow all TONYC's safety protocols & policies including, but not limited to:

Daily health screenings
- Mask requirements
- Social distancing requirements
- Quarantine policies
- Tracing policies (reporting all positive COVID-19 cases to TONYC staff)

Any questions or concerns about TONYC's policies, please contact Harrow at or 347-927-8641.
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