When: Sundays at 9:00 AM - February 23-March 23
Where: Fellowship Hall - Northwest Baptist Church - 4373 N. 92nd St. Wauwatosa, WI 53222
About: Explorers Group is open to all and is a welcoming place for those seeking more information about our congregation’s beliefs and practices and for current church members who would like to reexamine these foundational topics.
Explorers Group begins with a one-week welcome session on Sunday, February 23 at 9:00 AM. For those interested in pursuing church membership, a four-week membership class will follow on Sundays at 9:00 AM, March 2-23. The membership class is taught by our three pastors, Pastors Springer, Rogers, and Gaethke.
Register for Explorers Group by filling out the form below. Contact Bonnie Lee at blee@northwestbaptist.com if you have questions.