Survey: DragonTales, Now Digital
HKIS's schoolwide magazine, DragonTales, is now fully digital. Tell us what you think!

Before completing this survey, please read our magazines using the "HKIS Pages" app, available through Google Play or the App Store.

You can also view our Summer issue on desktop here: 

You can view all issues on desktop here:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Using "HKIS Pages"
Is the app:
Easy to download?
Easy to open?
Easy to use?
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Was the magazine file size:
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How easy is it to find the articles you're looking for?
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Please select the navigation elements were you were aware of:
When you clicked on a link (eg, to a podcast, to a website), were you able to get back to the magazine easily?
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Was the Table of Contents:
Well organized
Easy to read
Easy to click & get to stories
Descriptive enough
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Was it easy to read the content (font size not too small; clear layout)?
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Magazine Content
We have released both mini-issues of DragonTales (eg, Power of Place; Class of 2021), and a full issue (Learning to Serve).  Which do you prefer?
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Would you prefer more mini-issues over the course of the school year, or larger full issues twice a year?
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How was the length of the articles?
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How well did you think photos and artwork was used?
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The Summer Issue (full issue) contained 30 articles. Was this:
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Please indicate what types of stories you are most interested in reading:
Do you have suggestions on how we can improve the digital format?
Please leave any additional comments or suggestions.
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