Hawaii Department of Agriculture Farm-to-State Producer Inquiry. June 2022.  
Use this form to provide information to State institutions on available products, upcoming harvests, and existing surpluses that need to be brought to market quickly. Responses are optional. If you choose to respond, your responses will be sent to food procurement personnel in the Hawaii Department of Education (DOE), the Hawaii Department of Public Safety (PSD), the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH), and the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation (HHSC) and may be used as an tool in determining food service menus.

The Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA) shares this information only with other State agencies; however, please be aware that all State agencies are subject to the Uniform Information Practices Act, chapter 92F, HRS, which provides for public access to government records upon request. In addition, HDOA does not control the information once it has been transmitted to the other State agencies (who often purchase through distributors and may share this information with distributors). Therefore, PLEASE DO NOT SHARE INFORMATION THAT YOU DO NOT WISH TO BE PUBLICLY AVAILABLE.
Farm/Business/Cooperative Name *
Contact Email *
If your organization has previously responded to a similar inquiry from HDOA and have no changes to your previous response, please check this box and you may skip the rest of the survey (If you are checking this box, please be sure to submit your response using the button at the bottom of the form and complete your farm name and contact email above). If you have not previously completed a survey or if you have inventory changes, please continue the survey below.  
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Products available
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Upcoming Harvest(s): Please name the crop(s) or product(s) with expected harvest times/availability in the next 3 months.
Existing Surplus: Please name any crop(s) or product(s) with current surplus that needs to be brought to market quickly. Include the amount of crop(s) in pounds (lbs.) as well as the month(s) available. Please use commas to separate between crop type and amount, and semicolons to separate multiple entries. (Example: potatoes, 100 lbs., Dec.; butter lettuce,  50 lbs., Dec.; taro, 150 lbs., Dec. - Jan.)
Please list available crop(s) or products(s). Indicate availability  in lbs./week and the month(s) you expect them to be available. Please use the following format: potatoes, 400 lbs./week, avail. Apr. - July; butter lettuce, 350 lbs./week, avail. all year; taro, 280lbs./week, avail. Aug. - Oct.)  
Please list any current food safety certifications held (Example: Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) & Good Handling Practices (GHP), Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP))
Would you be interested in a 10-year contract to supply food to a state agency? *
What information would you need from a state agency in order to fulfill a 10-year contract to provide it with food? Would you need to scale up production? *
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