St. Andrew's Membership
Please submit one form per person in a family.
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Email *
First, Middle, & Last Name *
Preferred Name (if different from above)
Title (Dr., Rev., Ms., etc.) *
Suffix (Sr., Jr., etc.)
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Address *
City, State, ZIP Code *
Phone Number *
Cell or Landline? *
May we publish your phone number and email address in our directory? *
Preferred Method of Contact *
Family Position *
Marital Status *
Other Family Members and Relationship to You
For Child: What Grade in School or What High School Graduation Year?
Emergency Contact: Person/Relationship/Phone Number *
Share your former denomination if you had one.
If you are coming from another Episcopal Church, please let us know the name and location so we can transfer your membership.
Baptism Date (Exact date not necessary. Nearest year that you recall.)
Confirmation (Exact date not necessary. Nearest year that you recall.)
How did you hear about St. Andrew's? *
Anything else you would like to share with us?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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