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01. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Mark the alternative that contains the feminine gender of the following nouns: Stallion - Rooster - Waiter - Prince - Husband.
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02. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Mark the alternative that contains the correct plural of the following nouns: chief - shelf - loaf - roof
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03. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Fill in the blanks with the correct answers: ___ Mary's brother doesn't play ___ soccer but he plays ___ guitar and ___ drums.
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04. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - "I want ___ one-dollar bill to buy ___ envelope and ___ useful book", said ___ boy who has just arrived.
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05. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences according to the right use of articles:

When we cross the street we must wait for the green man on _____ crossing sign, but in one Australian city, he no longer wears trousers._____ city of Melbourne is now in the news because it changed some of the pedestrian lights from men to women._____member of the Melbourne city board thinks that to see only__ ___male figure is not right. She hopes that _____female figure will make our world equal.

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06. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) -  A palavra offspring poderia ser substituída por
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07. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - To store signi­fica:
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08. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Marque a opção que melhor completa o espaço em branco.

She didn’t come to our party. She _____ be sick.

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09. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Marque a opção que melhor completa o espaço em branco.

You look very tired. You _____ to have a rest.

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10. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Shopaholics could be sexually frustrated, might suffer from lack of self-esteem, or they may just have a neurotic reaction to television commercials and glossy advertisements.

The modals could, might and may appear in the text to express the idea of:

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11. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - In the sentences below:

- I might come and visit you in America next year, if I can save enough money.

- We oughtn’t to have agreed without knowing what it would cost.

- When you got lost in the forest you must have been very frightened.

The Modals might, ought and must express, respectively:

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12. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Marque a opção que melhor completa o espaço em branco.

What is there ____________ the sofa? Your slippers.

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13. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Complete as lacunas abaixo com IN, AT ou ON e em seguida assinale a única alternativa correta.

- The clock is __________ the wall.

- Are there books __________ the shelf?

- She is lying __________ the couch.

- I believe in love __________ ­ rst sight. Do you?

- If you don’t rush I won’t be able to way for you – I’m _________ a hurry!

- My boss is traveling __________ business.

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14. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Complete as lacunas abaixo com IN, AT ou ON e em seguida assinale a única alternativa correta.

- My car is __________ the bus station.

- I hate sitting __________ the back of the classroom.

- My parents are __________ vacation.

- The secretary has been making far too many mistakes. __________ other words, she is totally incompetent!

- She’s __________ love with Paul McCartney!

- Call the ­ remen!! The house is __________ ­ re!

- I need your help. I’m __________ trouble.

- How do you go to school? I go __________ foot.

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15. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - The alternative which contains the prepositions that best complete the sentences below is:

Prepaid meters have been launched with the aim _______ improving water service; however, they might be a problem _______ those who cannot a ord paying ________ water services.

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16. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Marque a opção que melhor completa o espaço em branco.

The lecture we’ve attended was not good. It was quite _____, and the audience was _____. 

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17. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Considerando a flexão em número das classes gramaticais das palavras em Inglês, como ficariam, respectivamente, os vocábulos country, influx e many na forma plural?
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18. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Which word below does have in common with the word lenses the rule for plural?
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19. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - The Controlling Station is responsible for establishing contact on the working channel. ln the previous sentence, the -ing forms are respectively used as:
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20. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - The words using, engaging and motivating, in the second paragraph, are, respectively:
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21. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Choose the correct option to complete the sentence:

• Jonathan (be) ______ a regular contributor to San Francisco magazine until last year.

Now he (write) ________ articles once a month.

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22. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) -  Some verbs can usually be followed by prepositions before the object of the verb. Complete the sentence with a right preposition: “I began to suffer (…) a blurring of vision I suspected was psychosomatic.”
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23. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - The underlined word in “to simply stand in a room and mind ro dy teens” is a
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24. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) -  The word “one” in “one needs to question” is a(n)
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25. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Fill in the blanks with “for” or “since”:

I. Sara has been on a diet ______ years.

II. He has not drunk milk ______ January.

III. The child has not eaten chocolate ______ Easter.

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26. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Complete the text with the missing words, then choose the correct alternative.

_____ best friend´s name is Kathy. _____ is _____ the United States. _____ husband Jack lives with _____ in a beautiful house _____ Berkeley, California. Kathy comes _____ Brazil every two years.

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27. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna.

Sometimes the older daughter, ...... could read, would take a turn reading a book.

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28. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - The underlined word in “In recent years, the growth of online social media, …” is:
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29. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Considere o diálogo a seguir e as regras do tempo verbal Presente Perfeito em inglês. Assinale a alternativa que preencha o diálogo correta e respectivamente.

A: ______ you ever ______ a famous person?

B: Yes, I ______ I already ______ Marcos Mion.

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30. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Analise as afirmativas a seguir e assinale a alternativa que apresenta a que usou a preposição corretamente.

I. That terrible accident happened in Christmas day.

II. There is a lot of red tape, so the car will be ready on three weeks.

III. Blake had been there from five years.

IV. My dream is to be in New York on New Year’s Eve.

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31. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - All words below are countable nouns, except:
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32. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Nouns can be countable or uncountable. Choose the correct option.
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33. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Choose the alternative in which all the words are uncountable.
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34. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - In the sentence: “Throughout history, animals HAVE HELPED humans.”, the highlighted expression is in the:
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35. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Complete the sentence using the correct verb tense: “In less than a month, its latest game "CityVille" ___ _____ the most popular application on Facebook,…”
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36. (UFRR - CFGS/ESA) - Mary: "I am about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!"

Clare: "I______you some coffee."

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37. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) -  Billy: “After you _____work, will you please drop by the grocery store and pick up some milk and bread.” Sally: "No problem, I ____up the groceries and be home by 6 o'clock."
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38. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Chose the best alternative that has the same meaning as the sentence bellow:

He will talk to his brother after school.

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39. (UNIP - CFGS/ESA) -   Things ________ a lot since October.
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40. (JVLC - CFGS/ESA) -   Complete the sentence below with the correct verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.
Me: I need to tell you something! Italy is my next holiday destination!
My best friend: Really! I'm so excited for you. I _________ to Italy. Can I come with you? Me: Absolutely!” 
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41. (FUNDATEC - CFGS/ESA) -  The sentences below are in present perfect tense – simple or continuous. Which one is INCORRECT?
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42. (FIEBSP - CFGS/ESA) -  In the fragment from the second paragraph – These connections may allow access to the Internet, for example to show computers in a store…” – the word in bold indicates
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43. (UFABC - CFGS/ESA) -  Em The fact that a person should consume eight glasses of water per day, a relação de sentido expressa por should é de:
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44. (UDESC - CFGS/ESA) -  The expressions: “Reach in and get them both” and “Try it again” represent:
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45. (IDECAN - CFGS/ESA) -  Complete the text with the correct words:
Liz Truss is _________ under pressure from Tory MPs to ensure benefits rise in line with prices, with minister Penny Mordaunt arguing it "makes sense". Former PM Boris Johnson _________ benefits would rise with inflation. Ms Truss has refused to say she _________ maintain the commitment, as she faces questions over how to pay for her government's tax-cutting plans. The PM told the BBC a decision _________ yet been made, as the issue dominated Tory party conference in Birmingham. Speaking to Times Radio, Ms Mordaunt said: "We tomake sure that people are looked after and that people can paytheir bills. We are not about _________ to help people with one hand and take away with another."  _________ if she welcomed Ms Mordaunt _________ her views public, Ms Truss said: "I _________ forward to having those discussions." 

( )
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46. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) -  Before _____ ways to accelerate the process, I should give a few more details on how the system works.
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47. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Select the alternative that best completes the extract below.

Doctors suggest not _________ much fat and sugar. Patients suffering from cardiopulmonary diseases also should not avoid ___________ to the doctor.

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48. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Fill in the blank with the correct response according to grammar rules:

I don’t mind _________ alone, but I prefer to travel with my friends.

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49. (MB - CFGS/ESA) - Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph below.


Our mind likes_____ our brain into_____that it’s right. Over time, this leads to us ______biases. Biases can be positive or negative, but it’s important______these deeply rooted subconscious factors.

(Adapted from https: / / www. makeuseof .com)

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50. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) -  I tried to __________ them the truth but they wouldn't listen.
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51. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Complete the sentence with the correct phrasal verb:

They _______ after seven years of marriage, what a pity.

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52. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Para responder essa questão, leia a oração a seguir:

I will postopone the trip.

Que phrasal verb substituiu corretamente o postpone?

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53. (MB - CFGS/ESA) - Which phrasal verb completes the text below correctly?


Cargo ship carrying Porsches and Bentleys is burning and adrift at sea


A fire ____ Wednesday morning on the Felicity Ace, a ship about 650 feet long, near Portugal's Azares lslands, according to the Portuguese navy. The ship had departed from Emden, Germany, on Feb. 10 and was scheduled to arrive in Davisville, R.I., next week, according to a ship tracking website.


(Adapted from

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54. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Complete the sentence using the correct phrasal verb.

Brian started doing a French course, but he __________ after a few weeks.

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55. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Choose the phrasal verb that best substitutes the word in bold in the following sentence.

“They needed to cancel the game because of the bad weather.”

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56. (BRB - CFGS/ESA) -  Choose the correct question tag to complete the sentence:
"You enjoyed the movie, _____?"
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57. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) -  Choose the option that has the CORRECT question tags to fill out the blanks below, respectively.

I- You’d left when I arrived, ____ you?

II- You’d like a coffee, ____ you?

III- You arrived earlier today, ____ you?

IV- Please do what I said, _____you?

V- Nobody has arrived yet, ____?

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58. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Remember this music: “And I think to myself, what a wonderful world...”


Mark the sentence using the correct Reflexive Pronoun:

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59. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Choose the right alternative to complete the gap:

Mr. Thompson‘s secretary was ill yesterday, so he had to type the document ________.

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60. (QUESTÃO - CFGS/ESA) - Complete the sentence below with the correct word Choose the CORRECT answer.

“Parents often blame ________ for the way their children behave.”

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