York Faculty Letter Denouncing Police Raid on York Popular University for Palestine

Open Letter to President Lenton and the York University Board of Governors

We write as York faculty members in support of the York Popular University for Palestine encampment, and outraged by your shameful decision to call in the police to clear it on its second day.

On June 5th, 2024 students at York University erected an encampment protesting the ongoing Israeli assault against Gaza and calling for York to end its complicity with institutions that enable the assault. The following morning the students at the encampment were served with a trespass notice and, soon after, dozens of police arrived at the Harry Arthurs Commons. In a message sent by President Lenton’s administration, the university community was informed that “Toronto Police Service presence was requested by the University to ensure the safety of all concerned” and that “the individuals involved in the encampment have left peacefully.” Toronto Police and York Community Safety then proceeded to forcibly dismantle the encampment. This heavy-handed response came with no prior consultation or negotiation with students.  Several students were escorted off campus, and one person was violently arrested and charged with trespassing.

The students involved in the encampment were exercising their fundamental rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, as guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

On June 6th, President Lenton’s administration sent a letter to the York community stating that “the University will be seeking to establish a dialogue with the individuals in the encampment as well as other affected parties regarding the issues that have been raised.” The York administration’s actions on June 6th demonstrate exactly the opposite.  This violent response to a peaceful student encampment makes a mockery of York’s own mission statement which declares the university “a community of faculty, students, staff, alumni and volunteers committed to academic freedom, social justice, accessible education, and collegial self-governance.” 

The York administration's unprecedented repression of students casts a shadow over the entire university and reproduces the tactics it has employed over the past 6 months, actively threatening students, staff and faculty, and refusing to respond to demands to explain the use of police violence against them. This behavior exacerbates the distrust in senior leadership already apparent when the York University Faculty Association passed a non-confidence motion in the administration by super majority earlier this year. 

Across the country, encampments have remained in place for many weeks; others have only been taken down with consent after substantive negotiated agreements were concluded between students and their university administrations. York now joins a small group of universities in Canada that immediately employed police force, with no attempt at dialogue, against its own students. 

We demand that the university commit to repairing the harm they caused to York community members exercising their right to peaceful assembly, and cease all use of militarized police and surveillance against students, staff and faculty. 

We demand that the administration immediately undertake a good faith dialogue with the students on the substance of their demands - to disclose, divest and cut ties with institutions complicit in Israel’s genocidal war on Palestine. 


York Professors for Palestine

York University Faculty

  1. Luin Goldring, Professor, Department of Sociology
  2. Stefan Kipfer, Professor, Faculty of Environment and Urban Change 
  3. Christo El Morr, Professor, Faculty of Health
  4. Mark Thomas, Professor, Department of Sociology
  5. Dennis Pilon, Professor, Department of Politics
  6. Bruce Ryder, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
  7. Ratiba Hadj-Moussa, Professor, Department of Sociology
  8. Shirin Shahrokni, Associate Professor in Sociology, Glendon Campus
  9. Amanda Glasbeek, Associate Professor, Department of Social Science
  10. Ilan Kapoor, Professor, Environmental and Urban Change
  11. Jeff Webber, Professor, Politics
  12. Carmela Murdocca, Professor, Sociology
  13. Rob Heynen, Associate Professor,Department of Communication & Media Studies 
  14. Gaby Moser, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
  15. John Greyson, Associate Professor, School of Arts, Media, Performance & Design 
  16. Anna Zalik, Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change
  17. Mark Goodman, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
  18. Jenny Foster, Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment and Urban Change 
  19. Cynthia Wright, Associate Professor, School of Gender, Sexulaity and Women’s Studies
  20. Ali Kazmi, Professor, Cinema and Media Arts
  21. Christina Sharpe, Professor, Humanities
  22. Vidya Shah, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
  23. Tania Das Gupta, Professor, School of Gender, Sexulaity and Women’s Studies
  24. Enakshi Dua, Professor,School of Gender, Sexulaity and Women’s Studies
  25. Amanda Ricci, Associate Professor, Department of History, Glendon
  26. Ethel Tungohan, Associate Professor, Department of Politics
  27. Aaida Mamuji, Associate Professor, School of Administrative Studies 
  28. Rose NDengue, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Glendon
  29. Honor Ford-Smith, Associate Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Environment and Urban Change
  30. Faisal Bhabha, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
  31. Radhika Mongia, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
  32. Peter Vandergeest, Professor Emeritus,Faculty of Environment and Urban Change 
  33. Heidi Matthews, Assistant Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
  34. Jakeet Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Politics
  35. Jin Haritaworn, Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment and Urban Change 
  36. Amelie Barras, Associate Professor, Department of Social Science
  37. Anne O'Connell, Associate Professor, School of Social Work
  38. Rosa Orlandini, Associate Librarian
  39. Shubhra Gururani, Anthropology and York Centre for Asian Research
  40. Harjeet Badwall, Associate Professor, School of Social Work
  41. Soma Chatterjee, Associate Professor, School of Social Work
  42. John Simoulidis, Associate Professor, Department of Social Science
  43. Usha Viswanathan, Associate Professor, Centre for Language Studies at Glendon College
  44. Catherine Lamaison, Associate Professor, French Studies, Glendon
  45. Buddhika Bellana, Assistant Professor, Psychology, Glendon
  46. Rachel Da Silveria Gorman, Associate Professor, Critical Disability Studies
  47. sava saheli singh, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education
  48. Eve Haque, Professor, Department of Languages, Literature and Linguistics
  49. Laam Hae, Associate Professor, Department of Politics
  50. Joel Ong, Associate Professor, School of Arts, Media, Performance & Design
  51. Sarah Rotz, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Environment and Urban Change 
  52. Steven Tufts, Associate Professor, Faculty of Urban and Environmental Change
  53. Catriona Sandilands, Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change
  54. CUPE Unit 2 contract faculty, Department of Politics
  55. Derek Hrynyshyn, Politics / Communication and Media Studies
  56. Sheetala Bhat, Assistant Professor, Department of English
  57. Abidin Kusno, Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change
  58. Anne Rubenstein, Professor, Department of History, LA&PS
  59. Tiana Reid, Assistant Professor, English
  60. Patricio Davila, Associate Professor, School of Arts, Media, Performance & Design 
  61. Tamanisha J. John, Assistant Professor, Department of Politics
  62. Katarina O'Briain, Assistant Professor, Department of English
  63. Fuyuki Kurasawa, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology 
  64. Kiera Kaia’tano:ron Brant-Birioukov, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education
  65. Ellie Perkins, Professor, Environmental & Urban Change
  66. Malcolm Blincow, Associate Professor Emeritus, Anthropology
  67. Susan Ingram, Professor, Humanities
  68. Anonymous (due to fear of reprisal), Sessional Assistant Professor
  69. Deborah Brock, Associate Professor, Sociology
  70. Barbara Cameron, Associate Professor, Emerita, Department of Politics
  71. Andil Gosine, Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change
  72. Brenda Longfellow, Professor, Cinema and Media Arts
  73. Vanessa Lehan, Lecturer, Philosophy
  74. Merouan Mekouar, Associate Professor, Department of Social Science
  75. Marcia Macaulay, Associate Professor, Dept of English, Glendon
  76. Peter Flaherty, Course Director, Faculty of Education
  77. Raju J Das, Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change
  78. Leila Pourtavaf, Assistant Professor, Department of History
  79. Black woman assistant professor 
  80. Audrey Laurin-Lamothe, Associate Professor, Department of Social Science
  81. Marc Couroux, Associate Professor, Visual Art & Art History 
  82. Emily Kidd White, Assistant Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
  83. Jake Pyne, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work
  84. Mary Bunch, Associate Professor, School of Arts, Media, Performance & Design
  85. David Cecchetto, Professor, Humanities 
  86. M. Udbi Ali, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change
  87. Natasha Tusikov, Associate Professor, Department of Social Science
  88. Adam Shehata (MD, JD, ATPL), instructor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
  89. Eric Schmaltz, Sessional Lecturer, English Department, Glendon College
  90. Richard Wellen, Associate Professor, Department of Social Science
  91. Department of Politics, York University 
  92. Vanessa Lamb, Associate Professor, Department of Social Science, York University 
  93. Laura Kwak, Associate Professor, Department of Social Science
  94. Ganaele Langlois, Associate Professor,  Communication Studies at York University
  95. Alison Crosby, Associate Professor, School of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
  96. Michael Ornstein, Associate Professor, Sociology
  97. Chris Chapman, Associate Professor, School of Social Work
  98. Selma Zecevic, Associate Professor, Humanities 
  99. Geoffrey Reaume, Associate Professor, Critical Disability Studies
  100. Sabah Alnasseri, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, York University 
  101. Esteve Morera, Associate Professor, Philosophy  and Politics
  102. Nicola Short, Associate Professor, Department of Politics
  103. Nabil Tahani, Associate Professor, School of Administrative Studies
  104. Kasim Tirmizey, Assistant Professor, Department of Equity Studies
  105. jacinthe michaud, professor, Gender & Women's Studies, York (Glendon)
  106. Tammer El-Sheikh, Associate Professor, Art History (AMPD)
  107. Ruth Rodney, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing
  108. Kamala Kempadoo, Professor Emerita, Social Science
  109. Meg Luxton, Professor, School of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
  110. Katherine Nastovski, Assistant Professor, Department ofSocial Science
  111. Aparna Tarc,  Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, York University 
  112. saptarishi bandopadhyay, Associate Professor, Osgoode Law
  113. Jay Ramasubramanyam, Assistant Professor, Law and Society
  114. Joshua Moufawad-Paul, York University, Philosophy, Contract Faculty
  115. Amila Buturović, Professor, Humanities
  116. Sonia Lawrence, Associate Professor, Osgoode Law
  117. Evan Light, Associate Professor, Communications, Glendon
  118. Daniel Richards, Associate Professor, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
  119. Estair Van Wagner, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
  120. Ozgun Topak, Associate Professor, Social Science
  121. Allyson Mitchell, Associate Professor, School of Gender Sexuality and Women's Studies
  122. Rabiat Akande, Assistant Professor, Osgoode Law
  123. Rachel Silver, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education
  124. Kent McNeil, Distinguished Research Professor (Emeritus), Osgoode Hall Law School
  125. Rawan Abdelbaki, Sessional Faculty, Social Science
  126. Matthew Tegelberg, Associate Professor, Social Science
  127. L. Anders Sandberg, Professor, Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change
  128. Andrea Medovarski, Associate Professor, Humanities
  129. Jody Berland, Professor Emerita, Humanities
  130. Harris Ali, Professor, Sociology
  131. Joanna Robinson, Associate Professor, Sociology
  132. Jennifer Nedelsky, Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
  133. Ruth Buchanan, Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
  134. Emma Feltes, Assistant Professor, Anthropology
  135. Greg Albo, Associate Professor, Department of Politics
  136. Safiyah Rochelle, Assistant Professor, Social Science
  137. Sean Rehaag, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
  138. Natalie Coulter, Associate Professor, Department of Communication and Media Studies
  139. Jessica Vorstermans, Assistant Professor, Critical Disability Studies
  140. Christine Kurtz Landy, Associate Professor, School of Nursing
  141. Asmita Bhutani, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Science
  142. María Constanza Guzmán, Professor, Centre for Research on Language and Culture (Glendon)
  143. Himani Bannerji, Emeriti Associate, Department of Sociology
  144. Janet Mosher, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
  145. Daphne Winland, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology
  146. Pablo Idahosa, Professor Emeritus, International Development Studies
  147. Harry Smaller, Associate Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Education
  148. Roberto Perin, Professor Emeritus, History Department
  149. Elisha Lim, Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities
  150. Merle Jacobs, Associate Professor, Equity Studies, York University
  151. Bianca Beauchemin, Assistant Professor, School of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies
  152. Alexandra Widmer, Associate Professor, Anthropology
  153. Jean-Thomas Tremblay, Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities
  154. Terry Maley, Associate Professor, Politics Dept
  155. Carlota McAllister, Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment and Social Change
  156. Amanda De Lisio, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health
  157. Sayeh Rajabi, Sessional Instructor, Faculty of Science 
  158. Yvonne Su, Assistant Professor, Department of Equity Studies
  159. Nausheen Quayyum, Contract Faculty, Social Science
  160. Sue Winton, Professor, Faculty of Education
  161. Kate Sutherland, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
  162. Ola Mohammed , Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities
  163. Marina Morrow, Professor, School of Health Policy and Management
  164. Liette Gilbert, Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change
  165. Taien Ng-Chan, Assistant Professor, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
  166. Michael Zryd, Professor, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
  167. Lisa Myers, Associate Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change
  168. Paul Szeptycki, Professor, Faculty of Science
  169. Alison Harvey, Associate Professor, Communications, Glendon
  170. Tom Hooper, Assistant Professor, Equity Studies
  171. Petra Molnar, Adjunct, Osgoode Hall Law School
  172. Zoë Newman, Contract Faculty, LA&PS
  173. Andrew Dawson, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Glendon
  174. Nick Taylor, Associate Professor, Department of Communication and Media Studies
  175. Aime B Avolonto, Associate Professor, French Studiesm Glendon
  176.  Adrian Smith, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
  177. Simon Adam, Associate Professor, Faculty of Health
  178. Rodney Loeppky, Associate Professor, Department of Politics
  179. Ian Martin, Associate Professor, English Department, Glendon
  180. Bonita Lawrence, Professor, Indigenous Studies
  181. Nick Ruest, Associate Librarian, York University
  182. Shama Rangwala, Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities
  183. Hossam Sadek, Associate Professor, Lassonde School of Engineering
  184. Jay Ramasubramanyam, Assistant Professor Law and Society
  185. Sonya Scott, Associate Professor, Social Science 
  186. David Murray, Professor, School of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies
  187. Dayna Nadine Scott, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School and the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change
  188. Cora Coady, Assistant Librarian
  189. Marie-Elaine Lebel, Associate Professor, French Studies, Glendon
  190. Elaine Coburn, Associate Professor, International Studies
  191. Natalie Neill, Associate Professor, English
  192. Tyler Totten, Assistant Professor, Social Science
  193. Luisa Sotomayor, Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment and Urban Change
  194. Martin Breaugh, Professor, Department of Politics
  195. Karen Murray, Associate Professor, Department of Politics
  196. Barbara Evans, Associate Professor, Cinema and Media Arts
  197. John McCullough, Associate Professor, Cinema and Media Arts
  198. Tanja Juric, Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
  199. Lorna Weir, Professor, Department of Sociology
  200. Heather MacRae, Associate Professor, Political Science
  201. Jan Hadlaw, Associate Professor, School of Arts, Media, Performance and Design
  202. A.M. Viens, Associate Professor, School of Global Health
  203. Joan Steigerwald, Professor, Department of Humanities
  204. Anonymous, Assistant Professor, Department Social Science
  205. Shane Martinez, Osgoode Hall Law School (York University), Adjunct Professor of Prison Law
  206. Jennifer Grant, Assistant Archivist
  207. Marsha Rampersaud, Assistant Professor, Social Science
  208. Obiora Okafor, Professor, Osgoode Hall Law SchoolUniversity
  209. Natasha Henry-Dixon, Assistant Professor, Department of History
  210. Stephanie Marion, Assistant Professor, Psychology, Glendon
  211. Roxanne Mykitiuk, Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
  212. Rebecca Beaulne-Stuebing, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education
  213. Mario DiPaolantonio, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
  214. Cheryl Cowdy, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities
  215. Fay Faraday, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
  216. Margaret MacDonald, Associate Professory, Department of Anthropology
  217. K. Bischoping, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
  218. Patricia Wood, Professor, Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change
  219. Hengameh Saberi, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
  220. Andrée Boisselle, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
  221. Gabi Schaffzin, Assistant Professor School of Arts, Media, Performance & Design
  222. Zeyad el Nabolsy, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
  223. Gordon Fitch, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science
  224. Colin Coates, Professor, Canadian Studies, Glendon
  225. L. Visano, Professor, Human Rights and Equity Studies
  226. Deborah Barndt, Professor Emerita, Faculty of Environment and Urban Change
  227. Andrée-Ann Cyr, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Glendon
  228. Shanna Lino, Associate Professor, Department of Hispanic Studies, Glendon
  229. Andy Weaver, Associate Professor, English
  230. Steve Hellman, Professor Emeritus, Department of Politics
  231. Maria Paraschos, Adjunct Archivist
  232. Ranu Basu, Professor, Faculty of Environment and Urban Change
  233. Luz Maria Vazquez, Contract Faculty, York University
  234. Jordy Cummings, Adjunct Faculty, Politics and Social Sciences
  235. Saeed Rahnema, Professor Emeritust, School of Public Policy and Administration and the Department of Equity Studies
  236. Lalaie Ameeriar, Associate Professor, Anthropology
  237. Kevin Moloney, Contract Faculty, Department of Languages
  238. J Paul Grayson, Professor, Sociology
  239. Meg Luxton, Professor, School of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
  240. Ricardo Grinspun, Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics
  241. Natasha Myers, Associate Professor, Anthropology
  242. Firoza Elavia, Adjunct Faculty, Faculty of Environment and Urban Change
  243. Donald Burke, Contract Faculty, Department of Humanities
  244. Sam Gindin, Director Social Justice and Political Movements, Deparmtnet of Political Science (retired)
  245. Ashlee Christoffersen, Banting Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Politics
  246. Susan Driver, Associate Professor, Communication and Media
  247. York Faculty Member (not using name for very legitimate fear of admin reprisals)
  248. Jill Glessing, retired faculty member, School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design
  249. Greg Albo, Associate Professor, Department of Politics
  250. Minoo Derayeh, Associate Professor, Department of Equity Studies
  251. Sandra Whitworth, Professor Emeritus, Department of Politics
  252. Gillian McGillivray, Associate Professor, History Department, Glendon
  253. Haideh Moghissi, Emerita professor Equity Studies
  254. Claudia Chaufan, Associate Professor, Faculty of Health
  255. Hyun Ok Park, Professor, Department of Sociology
  256. Sarah Maiter, Professor, School of Social work
  257. Annette Bickford. Associate Professor, Department Social Science
  258. Sarah Barrett, Professor, Faculty of Education
  259. Mohamed Sesay, Assistnat Professor, Department of Social Scinece
  260. Denielle Elliott, Professor, Department of Anthropology
  261. Paul Baxter, Associate Professor, Department of Social Science
  262. Pasha Malla, Associate Professor, Creative Writing
  263. Susan Driver, Associate Professor, Communication and Media
  264. Nalini Persram, Associate Professor, Department of Social Science
  265. Karen Valihora, Associate Professor, Department of English
  266. Viviana Patroni, Professor Emerita, Department of Social Science
  267. Nga Dao, Associate Professor, Geography
  268. Annie Bunting, Professor of Law & Society, Social Science
  269. Souha R. Ezzedeen, Associate Professor, Business Administration
  270. David McNally, Professor Emeritus, Department of Politics
  271. S. Ali, Professor Emeritus,  Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change
  272. Patrick Clark, Sessional Assistant Professor, Department of Social Science
  273. Liisa North, Professor Emerita, Politics
  274. Anonymous Assistant Professor, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
  275. Robert Latham, Professor, Department of Politics
  276. Female untenured Assistant Professor
  277. Joseph Tohill, Contract Faculty, Department of History
  278. Linda Peake, Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change
  279. Andrew Reeves, Postdoctoral Fellow. Ecological Macroeconomics and Metrics
  280. Judy Hellman, Professor, Department of Social Science
  281. Muhammad Ali Khalidi, Emeritus Professor, Philosophy
  282. Untenured Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science
  283. Amanda van Beinum, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
  284. Salewa Olawoye, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Science
  285. Samia Challal, Associate Professor, Department of Mathmatics, Glendon
York "Community Supporters"
  1. Bhavani Raman, Associate Professor, Department of Historical and Cutlural Studies (UTSC)
  2. Hulya Arik, Geography PhD Alumnus
  3. Shahrzad Mojab
  4. Aurra A. Startup, York University, Department of Education, PhD Student
  5. GPD, Visual Art
  6. Melanie J. Newton, Associate Professor of History, University of Toronto
  7. Ubaka Ogbogu, Professor, University of Alberta 
  8. Maya
  9. Alejandro Mayoral Banos, Executive Director, Indigenous Friends Association
  10. Gavin Smith, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto
  11. Science and Technology Studies Graduate Student (anonymous due to fear of reprisal) 
  12. Sara Carpenter, Associate Professor, Education, University of Alberta
  13. Kiran Mirchandani, Univ of Toronto
  14. Carolyn Prouse, Assistant Professor, Queen's University
  15. Rebecca Nelson
  16. Sam S, undergraduate student, environmental studies: cities, regions, planning
  17. Madina Meghani, University of Toronto Alum
  18. Anika Tabassum, YorkU Alumnist
  19. MA Student, Gender, Feminist, and Women’s Studies, York University
  20. Jackie Nguyen
  21. Rinaldo Walcott, Professor and Writer
  22. Benazir Shah, York University
  23. York University, Student
  24. Stephanie Ross, Political Science PhD Alumni, Associate Professor, School of Labour Studies, McMaster University
  25. Dylan Day, York Alumni
  26. Zahra
  27. Assal
  28. Marie Tota (RN, BSN) York University Alumni, School of Nursing
  29. Sara H. Physiotherapist
  30. Prerna Anilkumar, Faculty of Education, York Alum
  31. Mohammed Chamma, Postdoc, Western University
  32. CV contract faculty AMPD & LAPS @ York
  33. Khadeja Elsibai, YorkU Alumna
  34. Muna Saleh, Associate Professor, Concordia University of Edmonton
  35. Erin Gracey, York University Undergrad, School of Arts, Media, Performance and Design 
  36. Ash Levson, Undergraduate Student
  37. Michael Litwack Associate Professor, University of Alberta
  38. SA Smythe, UofT assistant professor of Black Studies & the Archive
  39. Lauren Pragg, York University alum
  40. E. Natalie Rothman, Professor, University of Toronto
  41. Graduate Student, Faculty of Education
  42. Julie Rak, HM Tory Chair and Professor, University of Alberta
  43. UofT 4th year student
  44. Ryan, York Alumni & Staff Member
  45. Descendent of Nakba survivors, School of Social Work student
  46. Tara Hillyer, York University, Alum
  47. Abdullah, MECH student
  48. C.G.D.H, Glendon Student Alumni
  49. Emma Ettinger, York MSW Student
  50. Maariyah, YorkU student
  51. Fatimah, York University School of Nursing
  52. Karyn Ball, University of Alberta
  53. Karline Zubans, York University Student
  54. Nicole Fernandez, York University, Glendon alumni
  55. Allison O, MPIA alumna, Glendon Campus
  56. Grace Son
  57. Ayeasha Irshad
  58. Conely de Leon, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Toronto Metropolitan University, York University Alum
  59. Beth Capper, Assistant Professor of Film and Media Studies, University of Alberta
  60. Nayrouz Abu Hatoum, PhD York University Alumni
  61. Adrian D'Souza - Alumni
  62. Meghan Taylor - Alumni
  63. Samantha S, Centennial College alumni, addiction and mental health work
  64. Shoumik Sarkar, Undergraduate, Cinema and Media Arts
  65. Anonymous Undergraduate International Student, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies
  66. Mia, MA Student, School of Arts, Media, Performance and Design
  67. Sue Nicastro
  68. Kiana Alexis, Student
  69. Faisal Kutty, lawyer and affiliate faculty at Rutgers Center for Security, Race & Rights (York alumnus)
  70. Sarah Beeharry, York Alumna, MD Candidate
  71. Madison Sforza, York University Alum
  72. Vishmayaa Jeyamoorthy, Osgoode Hall Law School Class of 2024
  73. Sadiah W, York University Alumnus
  74. Linda - York U Alumni, University of Alberta Student
  75. Katrina P, York Alumni
  76. Nina Paulovicova, Associate Professor History, Athabasca University
  77. Vincent Wong, University of Windsor Faculty of Law
  78. Chloe Martin, Student, Faculty of Science
  79. Rana, Schulich School of Business
  80. Grace K., so-called Toronto Undergraduate student
  81. So-Called Toronto Undergrad Student, Student Leader and Community-Focused Researcher, Summa Cum Laude, Department of Psychology
  82. Dania A, Alum
  83. Khalid Rumi
  84. Mahin Ahmed, Student
  85. Melayna Williams, York/ Osgoode Hall Alumni
  86. Fahad Ahmad, Assistant Professor of Criminology, Toronto Metropolitan University (York University alumni)
  87. Liivi SC - EUC 2024 graduate
  88. Jillian Rogin, Associate Professor, University of Windsor, Faculty of Law
  89. Breshna Durrani, Osgoode Hall Law Alum
  90. Safiya David
  91. Nora Andrews, Student
  92. Rose Peyvandi (Undergraduate Student; Faculty of Health)
  93. Uahikea Maile, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
  94. Zen Patel-Menard, York University Alumni
  95. Wareesha
  96. Sepideh Anvar, parent
  97. Sharon, York University Alumni
  98. Olivia Martin-Spisak, York University Student
  99. Mira Galbani
  100. Alexa Dunkley, York University Alumni
  101. Patricia Ki, BSW, MSW, PhD, York alum
  102. Mahnoor Siddiqui, York University Alumna
  103. T.A, McMaster student
  104. Emir Skrijelj, Undergraduate Law & Society Student at York
  105. Penelope Ironstone, Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University, York University Alumni
  106. Helal Elkolaly, York U Alumni
  107. Vasanthi Venkatesh, Associate Professor, University of Windsor Faculty of Law
  108. Anonymous Undergraduate Student
  109. Todd Dufresne, Prof of Philosophy, Lakehead University
  110. Rachel, York university graduate
  111. Trisha Tolentino, student
  112. Gabriela Ng, Student
  113. Karen K, York University Alumni
  114. Trish Salah York Alum & Associate Professor of Gender Studies at Queen's University
  115. JHN, York University Alumni
  116. Davina Bhandar Alumni
  117. Marc Serpa Francoeur, Filmmaker
  118. somar abuaziza
  119. Meena C, Undergraduate student
  120. Yasmeen Abu-Laban, Professor, Political Science,University of Alberta
  121. Rebecca Steckle, 2024 Osgoode JD Graduate
  122. York University Staff Member
  123. Paul Hegarty, Head of School of Cultures, Langauges and Area Studies, University of Nottingham
  124. JP, York University Alumn
  125. Kelly, Graduate Student, York University
  126. Sarah Riley Case, Alum and Former Adjunct Professor
  127. Stasha Huntingford, PhD, Mount Royal University
  128. Jaidah-Leigh Wyatt, CMA Undergraduate Student
  129. Ricardo Trumper, York alum, Associate Professor Emeritus, UBC Okanagan
  130. Krystyna Augustyn, Undergraduate student, Department of Politics and Department of Social Science
  131. Shaunasea Brown, Assistant Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University
  132. Katherine Lapointe, MES, York University Alumni '11
  133. Dakota Shawana
  134. Reiss Kruger, Chair of the CSA Social Theory Research Cluster, PhD, York University
  135. Teanna Zwicker
  136. Rishav P, York University
  137. Amilya Karimova, student
  138. Kris, UofT, student
  139. Ayokunmi Oladesu, student
  140. Uma M., York U Alumna
  141. Jobina Sitoh, Theatre Student, York University
  142. Calum Houston
  143. 3rd Year EUC Student
  144. Veronica - Graduate Student
  145. Elaine Howarth
  146. Sabrina Capista
  147. AW, 5th year history student
  148. Alie Hermanutz, PhD Candidate, Department of Politics, York University
  149. Emma Ly, Theatre Student, York University
  150. Dylan Carter, student
  151. Zoe Magirias - Undergraduate student
  152. Chifundo Thangata, Undergraduate Student
  153. HM, Theater Student
  154. Payton Oswald, Undergrad Student
  155. Megan T. York University
  156. Fadzai Katsenga, York University, Undergraduate
  157. Julianna Picarelli, student, AMPD
  158. Cydney Watson, Undergraduate Student
  159. Zina Ahmed, Theatre Student
  160. Hassan Fallous, York University Undergraduate
  161. Kathy Wazana, Filmmaker, York U alumna
  162. Priscila González, undergraduate theatre student
  163. Kirsten Kelly, University of Waterloo, undergrad student
  164. Scott Miller Berry, filmmaker/cultural worker
  165. Derya Tarhan, Alumnus
  166. Irina Ceric, Osgoode Alumnus (JD & PhD), Assistant Professor, Windsor Law
  167. Sarah MacKell, Alumni
  168. MG, York University Alumnus
  169. Mustafa, York University undergraduate student
  170. Sara Matthews, Alumni
  171. Antis George, York University Alumni
  172. Joseph Catton, RN, JD candidate '25, Osgoode Hall Law School
  173. Sarah York-Bertram, PhD, Gender, Feminist, and Women's Studies, York University
  174. Polina L, Alumni
  175. Britt Caron
  176. Cheryl Woolnough York Alum/Resource Teacher at Peel District School Board 
  177. Shirin Khayambashi
  178. Janice Njuguna, Ungergrad student
  179. Rick Frank, Osgoode JD Alum
  180. Riley McLeod, student
  181. Shahbaz Khayambashi, alumn
  182. Saul Rosal, Osgoode Hall Law Student
  183. Krisna Saravanamuttu, criminal defence lawyer
  184. Justine Basi, grad student
  185. Jeff Shantz, Faculty, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, York PhD Alum
  186. Naomi morales, theatre student, York University
  187. Michael, PhD Candidate, Social Science
  188. Jen Cypher, Alum & former contract faculty member
  189. Rachel Brophy, Professor, George Brown College and York University Alum
  190. Zelda Abramson, York Alumna
  191. Alex O. York University Alumni
  192. Paula VE, York University Alumni
  193. J.S., PhD Graduand, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
  194. Tamara Frooman, PhD student, York University
  195. York University staff member and alum
  196. David Chariandy, Alumnus
  197. Mohamed K, Alum
  198. Lam, York University alumni
  199. Ruth Felder, York University Alumni
  200. Peter Ives, Professor, Political Science, University of Winnipeg— York Alumnus
  201. Kenneth Wakely, Alumni, Osgoode Hall Law School
  202. Tia Dafnos, Alum & Associate Professor of Sociology, University of New Brunswick
  203. Daniel Mastroianni, Music Student
  204. Alexús marticorena, York University student
  205. Callia Liddle, Undergraduate Student
  206. Judy Chau, MSW Student, University of Toronto
  207. Syed Imran Ali, Fellow, Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research & Adjunct Professor, Lassonde School of Engineering
  208. Sana Akram, York University, PhD Student, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
  209. Hannah Bullock, PhD Student, York University
  210. Natasha Pravaz, Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University, York University alumna
  211. Melissa Marciniak, York University Alumni
  212. Catalina González
  213. Mateen Saleem, TMU, BScN Student
  214. Katarzyna Rukszto, alumni
  215. Jaymar Tolentino, Undergraduate Student
  216. Themrise Khan. International Alumni
  217. Shera P., York University Alumni
  218. York University IT Staff Member
  219. Deborah Cowen, Professor, University of Toronto
  220. Kim Rygiel, Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University
  221. Nyachang Reath , Human Rights & Equity Studies Student, York University
  222. Neil Balan, PhD, Contract Faculty & YorkU Alumni
  223. Mustafa Kharnoub, York University Undergraduate Student
  224. Matt Foebel, Undergraduate Student
  225. Jennifer Koshan, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Calgary
  226. Corey Snelgrove
  227. Rolando Aguilera, Alumnus, Osgoode Hall Law School '11
  228. Theo Fox, double York alum & PhD candidate
  229. Adam Lewis, PhD candidate, Faculty of Environment and Urban Change
  230. Serena Lam, Undergraduate Student
  231. Pamela Grant, York U Alumna & Donor
  232. Sarah D Parsons, Graduate student, York University
  233. Melanie Richter-Montpetit, YorkU Alumni, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations,University of Sussex
  234. Ahmed Kormod
  235. K. Groves, BFA, Alumni
  236. Jamie Mcdonald RN York Alumni
  237. Leila Tamim, Undergrad
  238. Prital Patel, PhD Alumni
  239. Nathan Rambukkana, former Post-Doc and Instructor, York University
  240. Emily Dixon, Graduate Student
  241. Mandi Gray, Trent University, York U Alum
  242. Alyson Merrick, PhD Student, Sociology, York University
  243. Suzan Ilcan, Professor, Sociology, University of Waterloo
  244. James Thomas, York U, grad student
  245. Jasmin Zine, Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University
  246. Ryleigh Keefe, Undergraduate Student
  247. Teija Charles, Yorku, Undergraduate Student
  248. Laura Bowman, alumni Osgoode Hall Law School
  249. Sarah Al Naqeeb , ma slst pt
  250. Sumaya Sougueh, Faculty of Health
  251. Andrea Sobko, Alumna, Osgoode Hall Law School
  252. Sara Osman, McMaster University Undergraduate Student
  253. Darrell Varga, Professor NSCAD University, York Alumni
  254. Omar M. Ramahi, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
  255. Jacob Hemmerechts, York University, Undergraduate Student
  256. Emma Landy, JD, York Alumni
  257. Bruce Erickson, Faculty of Urban and Environmental Change Alumnus (PhD), Associate Professor, University of Manitoba
  258. Lindsay Jennings, Research Associate, Carleton University
  259. Caren Weisbart, York U Alum
  260. Huda Al, York University Alumni, FORMER YFS staff
  261. Staff, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
  262. Peter Eglin, Professor Emeritus, Wilfrid Laurier University
  263. Amardeep Kaur, Lecturer, University of Toronto; External Associate, York Centre for Asian Research; York Alumni - Geography
  264. Crystal Garvey, Faculty of Health
  265. Roma Chopra, York U Alum
  266. Cameron Butler, PhD Candidate, Social Anthropology, York University
  267. Toby Anne Finlay, PhD Candidate, Sociology, York University
  268. Esmond Lee, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Environment and Urban Change
  269. Patrick Teed, PhD Candidate Social and Political Thought
  270. Iman Nazir, York U, Global Health
  271. Peige Desjarlais, Doctoral Candidate at York
  272. Thomas Pierlot, York U, PhD Student, SPT
  273. Leda Raptis, PhD, professor, Queen's University
  274. Yuly Chan, PhD Candidate, Sociology, York University
  275. Xinmei Wang
  276. Jacob Serruya W. UCV
  277. Christina Andaya, York U Alumna - MA Sociology & Hons BA Interdisciplinary Social Science
  278. Rachel M, PhD candidate & York Alumni
  279. Aadita Chaudhury, PhD Candidate, Graduate Program in Science and Technology Studies, York University
  280. Anna Willats
  281. Yasir Hameed, York University, PhD candidate
  282. Ari Para, Phd in education student
  283. Kad Mariano, York University, PhD Student 
  284. Regine Schmid
  285. Sheryl Nestel, Affiliated Scholar, New College U of T
  286. Abigail B. Bakan, OISE, University of Toronto
  287. Lara Khattab, Mount Allison University , Assistant Professor
  288. Viqar Husain, University of New Brunswick, Professor
  289. Chris Little, PhD Candidate, Department of Politics, York University
  290. Shahrzad Mojab, University of Toronto
  291. Susan Turansky
  292. Michaela Michalak, PhD Candidate
  293. James Gilbert-Walsh, St. Thomas University, Professor of Philosophy
  294. Sue Nicastro
  295. Rachel Berman, Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University, Adjunct member to the graduate program in Gender, Feminist & Women's Studies @ York & York Alumna
  296. Vinh Nguyen, Associate Professor, University of Waterloo
  297. Nathan Kalman-Lamb, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of New Brunswick, York University PhD (2016)
  298. Ron Benner Adjunct Professor Western University
  299. Devora Umana
  300. Sailaja Krishnamurti
  301. Gulzar R. Charania, Associate Professor, University of Ottawa
  302. Anita Castelino, York University Alum
  303. Laura Morrison, York University, PhD Student
  304. Sarah Shamash, Assistant professor, Emily Carr University of Art and Design
  305. Shila Khayambashi, PhD, York University alumni
  306. Lisa Guenther, Queen’s University
  307. Karyn Sandlos, York University alumnus
  308. Anne-Marie Singh, Associate Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University
  309. Habiba
  310. Amina Jamal, Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University
  311. Peter Chidiac, Professor, University of Western Ontario
  312. Sofia Chaudhry Schlichting, York PhD student
  313. Zainab Ramahi, University of Waterloo
  314. Malek Abisaab, McGill University
  315. Fiona Thangata, high school teacher and concerned York student parent
  316. Bridget Anderson, Bristol University
  317. Samer Al-Kiswany, University of Waterloo
  318. Serene Husni, Filmmaker and Sessional Instructor at Toronto Metropolitan University
  319. Jacqui Gingras, Professor, Sociology, Toronto Metropolitan University
  320. Giuliana Racco, PhD Candidate Faculty of Environment and Urban Change
  321. Naiomi Perera, York University, PhD student
  322. Sutapa Majumdar, Alumni
  323. Lisa Guthro
  324. Christina Rousseau, York University Alum, PhD in Humanities
  325. Kevin Bruyneel, Babson College
  326. Winnie Lem, Professor Emeritus, Trent University
  327. Areej Alshammiry, Sociology, PhD student York U
  328. Vannina Sztainbok
  329. Lila Pine, Associate Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University
  330. Lori Beckstead, Associate Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University
  331. Jessica Chandrashekar, lawyer, alum
  332. Doreen Fumia, Professor Emeritus, Toronto Metropolitan University
  333. Jen Preston, York U Alum
  334. Maria Vamvalis, York University Alumna
  335. Haley Mlotek, National Writers Union
  336. Laura McKinley PhD Candidate Social and Political Thought
  337. Idil Abdillahi, Toronto Metropolitan University
  338. Kristin Burnett, Professor/Lakehead University, York University alum
  339. John Holmes, Professor Emeritus, Queen's University
  340. Annelies Cooper, York University Alumni and former Contract Faculty
  341. Milan Kang, MA Student, York University
  342. Jamie Magnusson, Assoc Prof University of Toronto and No Pride in Policing Coalition
  343. Rosalind Hampton, Assistant Professor, Social Justice Education, University of Toronto
  344. Jane Ku, University of Windsor
  345. Jeffrey Brown, Associate Professor, University of New Brunswick
  346. Geneviève Pagé, Dept of political science, UQAM
  347. Elizabeth Arlow
  348. Richard Fung, Professor Emeritus, OCAD University
  349. Lailla
  350. Cynthia Spring
  351. Janelle Brady, Assistant Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University, York Alum
  352. Helen Lee, Alum
  353. Elena Rahman, York University, PhD student
  354. Nahla Abdo, Chancellor's Professor, Carleton University
  355. Bengi Akbulut, Concordia University
  356. Cailleah Scott-Grimes, York U Alum, MFA in Film Production
  357. Juanita Stephen, University of Windsor / York alum
  358. Paul Berger, Associate Professor, Lakehead University, Faculty of Education
  359. Sabika, PhD student, York University
  360. Jess, York University, Graduate Student
  362. Otoniya Okot Bitek, poet
  363. N. Gitanjali Lena, alumna, Osgoode Hall Faculty of Law
  364. Nataleah Hunter-Young, Assistant Professor, Western University
  365. York University Staff Member
  366. Kevin Gould, Associate Professor, Concordia University
  367. Kai Schmidt, Toronto Metropolitan University, Yeates School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
  368. Walid Chahal, Continuing Lecturer, Lakehead U
  369. Daniel J. Paré, University of Ottawa, Associate Professor
  370. Sehrish Malik, Graduate Student
  371. Sedef Arat-Koç, Associate Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University
  372. Mustafa Koc, Toronto Metropolitan University, Professor Emeritus
  373. Christopher Powell, Associate Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University
  374. Megan Youdelis, Geography PhD Alumnus
  375. Julie Guard, Professor, University of Manitoba
  376. Sarah Bacchus, York Alum, Faculty of Science
  377. Prabha Khosla, Alumni
  378. Nazia Sheikh, Librarian, Toronto Metropolitan University
  379. Karen Pearlston UNB Law (ret.) / Osgoode LLB & PHD
  380. Fatemeh Gharibi , PhD candidate Gender, Feminist , and Women's Studies, York University
  381. Najwa Al-Silwadi, PHD student, School of Social work , York University
  382. Shane Giofu, Graduate Student, University of Guelph
  383. Brett Story, Filmmaker
  384. Dr. John Peters, Associate Professor, Memorial University
  385. Jenny Carson, TMU
  386. Min Sook Lee, Associate Professor, OCAD University
  387. Clifton Grant, Undergraduate Student
  388. Rita Kaur Dhamoon (Political Science, UVIC)
  389. Denise Gastaldo, Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
  390. Shlomit Segal York Graduate MES 1997
  391. Taravat Khalili, York University Alumni
  392. Mike Hoolboom, York alumni
  393. Fizza Mir, PhD Candidate York U
  394. Sarah Hunt, Associate Professor, UVic
  395. Joanna, York University Student
  396. Dr abrahim Weizfeld Phd, Course Director York U. 1977-81
  397. Peter Fitting professor emeritus university of Toronto
  398. Herman Rosenfeld, York Alumnus and former Contract Faculty, Politics
  399. Kelly McGuire, Associate Professor, Trent University
  400. Mike Burke, Associate Professor Emeritus, Toronto Metropolitan University
  401. Margot Francis, WGST, Brock University
  402. Leda Raptis, PhD, DBMS, Queen's University
  403. Anne Meneley, Professor, Trent University
  404. Lisbeth Berbary, Associate Professor, University of Waterloo,
  405. Micheline Beaudry
  406. Ebru Ustundag, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Tourism Studies, Brock University
  407. Dr. Gary Kinsman, BA From York University, Professor Emeritus, Sociology, Laurentian University
  408. Emily Gilbert, York U alum, and Professor University of Toronto
  409. Fatema Dhalla, Clinical Lecturer, University of Alberta
  410. Janice Williamson University of Alberta professor Emeritus
  411. Yannick Desranleau, Assistant Professor, Art & Design, University of Alberta
  412. Khalid Sufi
  413. Kanishka Goonewardena, Professor, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto
  414. Anna Drake, Associate Professor, University of Waterloo
  415. Kelly Aguirre, Assistant Professor, University of Victoria
  416. Tanita Muneshwar, york Alum
  417. Mateen Saleem, Undergraduate Nursing, TMU
  418. Varda Nisar, Concordia University
  419. Constanza Pauchulo, Alumni, York University and Osgoode Hall Law School
  420. Jellisa Ricketts, York University
  421. Jazz Cook, York University Alumni

(This list is updated intermittently and is not automatic)

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