Hello! Welcome to the Diamonds 2021 Blog Tour Sign up form! Here's a little about Diamonds 2020 and why signing up for the blog tour is super amazing to do!

What is Diamonds 2021? Diamonds 2021 is a free online conference for chronically ill Christians.

When is Diamonds 2021? January 22nd-24th, 2021

Who is speaking at Diamonds 2021? 16 awesome chronically ill warriors.

What does Diamonds 2021 cost? Nothing!

THE BLOG TOUR will run January 21st-January 24th! I will send out an email with all of the info you need before the launch and you will share your post on your posting date. Signing up for the blog tour is a GREAT way to spread the word about the conference and help support our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Feel free to share this form, even if you can't sign up, and let me know if you have any questions! Contact!
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Your blog address (insert the URL) *
Your blog's name *
What post would you like to feature on your blog? *
What date can you post? *
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