Survey on Cryptocurrency Trading and Storage Behaviour
This survey will help us to understand how people handle cryptocurrencies and how we can help you with a better product.
Of course, we are sharing the results - you can see the results after finishing the survey.
If you have any suggestions or ideas, please feel free to contact us.
Many thanks!
Ben & Moritz
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How old are you? *
Which country do you currently live in? *
How much cryptocurrencies do you currently own in USD? *
What is your investment strategy & motivation? *
Where do you store your cryptocurrencies? *
Which hardware wallets do you own? *
If you don't use a hardware wallet, why not?
How often do you use your hardware wallet?
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Why do you use a hardware wallet? Please state briefly.
How happy are you with the available hardware wallets?
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What do you like about your current hardware wallet? Please name the wallet and state your answer briefly.
Where do you see room for improvement at the hardware wallet? Please name the wallet and state your answer briefly.
How would you describe your experience using a/your hardware wallet?
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Why would you describe your experience as indicated above? Please state briefly.
How secure do you feel using current hardware wallets?
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If you are not feeling really secure with your hardware wallet, why is that? Please name the wallet and state your answer briefly.
What improvement or new feature(s) would make you buy an additional/new hardware wallet? Please state briefly. *
How much would you be willing to pay for a highly secure and very user friendly hardware wallet? *
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