Research activity entry
Enter all research activities, including formal research, demonstrations/trials, structured scouting, and research projects you provide an outreach component for.
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Project title *
Extension contact *
Brief description of project.  Include #keywords at end if needed. *
Research type (check all that apply) *
Grand Challenge (check all that apply) *
Status.  Projects marked as "archived" will not appear in the public Research Activities Dashboard
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Extension collaborators (first & last name).
Other University of Illinois collaborators (first & last name, department)
External collaborators (first & last name, institution)
Start date *
End date *
use mm/dd/yyyy format, or put "ongoing" if project continues every year
Does this project have any findings/results?
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Summary of results or outcomes, if available.
If applicable, enter a URL for project results or additional information.  For long links, make a short URL using webtools or
Funding type
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