Processing Services Information Request
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Email *
Farm Name *
Contact First Name *
Contact Last Name *
Contact Phone *
In what city / town is your farm located? *
What services are you looking for? (Check all that apply) *
If Big leafing / Dry / Buck / Trim Processing: Please indicated sqft of canopy for processing *
If Big leafing / Dry / Buck / Trim Processing: Please describe type of canopy (Outdoor / Mixed Light etc) and your estimated harvest schedule.
If Flower Packaging: Please describe your packaging in detail (include dimensions, unique features, stickers etc..)
If Pre-roll production: Please describe in detail the type (Infused, or regular), quantity, and if raw materials are provided or need to be sourced.  
If Extraction (Co2, Ethanol, or Volatile): Please describe the quantity, type, and desired finishes or particular requests.  
If Cartridge production: please describe in detail the product and any unique manufacturing steps required.  
Thank you from the SPARC Farms team!
We'll be in touch with you shortly!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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