Thank you for your interest in a scholarship spot for the 3 Month Self-Love Initiative!
The number of scholarship spots is based on the number of paying students. We will accept as many applications as we can! 
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The first 3 questions are very important - if you don't answer, you might not receive emails about the program. The last question is completely optional. If you are accepted, an email about the program will arrive in your inbox about a few days before our first zoom call. 
What name would you like me and classmates to call you? What pronouns do you use? *
What email address should I use for reading assignments, class notes, and/or zoom links for the series?  *
If you were to pay the sliding scale price for the course would you be unable to afford necessities like rent, food, meds, etc? *
Would you rather participate live or via recording? *
Why are you excited to join this initiative? What do you hope to get out of it?
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