Beer Club Sign Up!
We are so excited to launch our beer club and can't wait for you to be part of it's launch! I have some cool plans and can't wait to share it with our dedicated Torchbearers! 

Sign up to get the information to pay and receive your membership! You are considered signed up upon payment and there will only be limited spots for the VIP tier given space restrictions this year!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email *
Which tier are you interested in?  *
If you selected VIP - What would you like on your Chalice? Keep it to a word or 2 but don't worry, we will reach out if it's too long! *
Will you stop in to pay or do you want e-transfer instructions? *
Payment option *
What size shirt are you? (unisex) *
Is this a gift for someone? We will wrap something up for you to pick up at the Taproom if so *
Are you claiming the buddy discount? If so, what is your buddies email address? To claim, your buddy must sign up with the email you provide us so we can match them up! *
Any notes, questions or anything you wish to let us know?! *
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