Project Pythia Foundations Feedback
Use this 5-minute form to provide brief feedback for Project Pythia's educational content.
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Which Project Pythia Foundations content section are you providing feedback for? (choose any that apply) *
How did our content benefit you? Let us know which statements you agree or disagree with. (respond to any that apply)
I completed the section(s) or any of their individual lessons
I enjoyed going through the content
The content covered the topic(s) with enough depth
I learned something new
I will use what I learned in work/school/etc.
The listed prerequisites made sense to me
The listed timing estimate matched my experience
I recommend this content for others to use
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Optionally, include any additions or clarifications to your responses here.
Constructive criticism helping us improve is appreciated, use this space for any other feedback you might have.
If you are in the U.S. and would like us to mail you a Project Pythia sticker for your contributions, provide us with an e-mail address or Twitter handle we can reach you at! We will reach out to you and discard this information afterwards.
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