Brook St Residence Halls Petition
Brown University has shared plans for the creation of University residence halls on Brook Street. Members of the community have shared their concerns regarding several aspects of the project design and are asking for the below changes. Please sign this petition if you would like to share your support for these changes as proposed by the College Hill Neighborhood Association, FPNA, Mile of History Association, Providence Preservation Society and Councilman John Goncalves:

1.The scale on the east side of Brook Street should be reduced to four stories to maintain scale with neighboring houses.

With regards to scale, the building to the west of Brook Street, with its adjacency to VGQ, can be taller towards Charlesfield Street but should step down towards Power Street. The building on the east side of Brook Street should reflect the residential massing and scale of the neighborhood (2-1/2 to 3 stories) and of Barbour Hall (4 stories, appearing to be 3-1/2 stories). This reduction in scale will effectively remove beds, and advance a more contextual streetscape along Brook Street that does not tower over abutting properties or create a cavern along the street.

2. The architectural design should be compatible and in harmony with neighborhood architecture:

The design must be relevant to neighboring historically significant architecture. We understand that new construction need not mimic the old, but there should be recognizable cues as to why the construction fits.  

3. First floor retail space should be restored to be inclusive of the community, and to contribute to city taxes as consistently promised over the course of the proposal:

Students and residents alike have expressed concern regarding the displacement of retail services. As is, the property hosts businesses that are widely regarded as community amenities. Retaining the retail space would serve as a greater community amenity than the alternatively proposed green space. The commercial space should, however, be designed in a way that is of a size that attracts neighborhood-scale retail and/or food service, as it does now.

4. Preserve three existing historically significant houses instead of tearing them down:

Brown proclaims itself a champion of historic preservation. The two historic homes at 66-68 and 70-72 Charlesfield should be preserved and re-used. The property at 245 Brook should be moved to the vacant lot at 126 Power Street, which would be make strides in preserving the streetscape. These actions would knit the residence halls more gracefully into our historically significant neighborhood.

*Please note that there is another petition being circulated that was spearheaded by neighborhood stakeholders. The signatures compiled in both petitions will be combined, so feel free to simply sign here or sign both.

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