Lake Almanor Farmers Market Registration 2023
Event Timing: Thursday evenings, June 15th - September 14th, 4-7 PM
Event Address: Chester Community Park, Chester CA
Contact us at (530) 258-2426 or
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Name: *
Business Name: *
Address 1: *
Address 2:
City, State, Zip: *
Phone Number: *
Email: *
Website (if applicable):
What days will you attend? (check all that apply) *
You may only sell products/produce that have been approved by the Lake Almanor Area Chamber of Commerce. Sale or sampling of alcohol is not permitted.  Please provide a short description of the products/produce you wish to sell: *
Where is your growing property/kitchen facility located or where do you make your product? *
I understand that I will have to provide proof of insurance and permits: *
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