School of Engineering Digital Communications Survey
Welcome to our survey! In the upcoming 2019-2020 school year, we want to improve our digital communications (social media, websites, emails and more) to better suit your needs and interests. Your answers and feedback will be directly used to improve our communications with you. This survey will take approximately 1 minute, and all your answers are anonymous. Thank you for participating!
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SCU Engineering affilation *
Through which channels do you connect with the School of Engineering? (Check all that apply) *
The School of Engineering sends out a variety of content types, indicate how much you enjoy seeing each of the following: *
Not enjoyable
Slightly enjoyable
Somewhat enjoyable
Very enjoyable
Extremely enjoyable
Brief news items
Indicate how much you like the following content topics: *
Strongly dislike
Somewhat dislike
Neither like or dislike
Somewhat like
Strongly like
General School of Engineering news
Info on engineering courses
Event information
Student projects
Student features
Job opportunities
Faculty news
Alumni news
What other content would you like to see?
What could we do to improve our communication/content?
Please include any additional comments or suggestions:
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