Sewage Treatment Plant Survey

The Newtown, Bucks County Joint Municipal Authority ( Sewer Authority) recently acquired a 17.5-acre parcel between the Newtown Bypass and Lower Silver Lake Road as a future site for a brand-new wastewater (aka sewage) treatment plant. For more on that, read “#NewtownPA Sewer Authority Purchases Land for Sewage Treatment Plant.”

At the September 10, 2024, Sewer Authority Board meeting, it was revealed that the potential cost of the plan is $150 million! (Later estimate = $128 million) “Can of Worms” was mentioned. Not to worry, the Authority has hired a public relations firm! Meanwhile, the Authority says it will work to “ensure that the advanced technology we envision for the plant addresses any potential concerns from residents.”

The Authority presented details of the plan at the December 11, 2024, Newtown Board of Supervisors meeting where several local area residents spoke up against the plan. See details here: 

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