CUMC Vacation Bible School Registration
Babylon: Daniel's Courage in Captivity
Monday, August 13 through Friday, August 17
5:30-7:30pm, dinner included.

Babylon is for children 4 years old through 4th grade (rising 5th graders), 3 year old siblings welcome.

A free adult study will be held from 6:00-7:20pm on the Bible.

A registration fee is required to help defray costs to provide dinner.  Fee is per week (not night) as follows:

Registration Fee
$10.00 per child 10+
$5.00 for children under 10.

***Scholarships are available.

Send payment by July 15, 2018.
Clarendon UMC
606 North Irving St.
Arlington, VA 22201

Memo: VBS 2018

Childcare is provided for VBS volunteers and adult class participants.

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