Lewis Lab Application Form
Thank you for your interest in the Lewis Lab! There are many different types of projects in the lab, and we ask potential students to provide information about their background and interests to find a good match. Please fill out the following questions with as much detail as possible. We look forward to hearing from you.
Name *
Email *
What year of school are you in? Can you commit to at least one year of research?
What’s your major (if undeclared, what are you thinking about majoring in)?
Are you considering graduate school? What kind of degree are you thinking about?
Why are you seeking a research position?
Have you done neuroscience research before? Explain if so.
Have you taken any math or computer science courses? Elaborate.
What is your GPA? (feel free to add info about specific courses or extenuating circumstances)
Do you know any programming languages? How familiar are you with each?
What are you interested in learning (e.g. data collection, MRI vs. EEG, coding skills, human subjects studies, etc.)?
Availability:  How many hours are you aiming to work per week?  Please give us an idea of when you would be able to come in (e.g. 3-6 pm on Mondays and Wednesdays).  
We may run some sleep studies that involve off-hours data collection. Would you be willing to come in for a late evening (11 pm - 4:15am) or early morning (4am -9am) shift?
Any additional comments?
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