Galaxy workshop self-evaluation
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What is the very first analysis you do with  your FASTQ files?
What is meant by the term "mapping"?
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Why is Stranded RNA-Seq useful?
Which factors could make it hard to map an NGS read to its reference genome unambiguously?
Which of the following are true statements about SAM/BAM format?
How are reads from HTS are stored?
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Improving the quality of sequences can be done by
Read alignment information is stored in  
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Why paired-end sequencing may have advantages compared to single-end sequencing?
What is the general concept of HTS data analysis?
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Which of these statements is true in the context of replicates for RNA-Seq
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Recommended tool for mapping RNA-Seq reads
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To count number of reads per gene using featureCounts, I need
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DESeq2 needs the following input files
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Tool to use for peak calling
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