August 27th - Pawpaws & Grants

Susan Owen of Lily Patch Farm has been an organic farmer since 1985. Now, she runs a commercial seedling production and has several beds in greenhouse production, along with some fields in rotations. Susan mostly grows vegetables, herbs, and flowers. But in 2015, Susan started a Pawpaw orchard, having been awarded a grant to do this! Being awarded the Mary Boyer Sustainable Agriculture grant from Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture allowed her to build upon her longtime interest in the Pawpaw. She now grows pawpaws, from seed, for farmers and gardeners and sells pawpaws to restaurants and food producers throughout the region.  

This workshop will focus on how to apply for grants and feature a tour of the Pawpaw orchard.

Farm: Lily Patch Farm
Host: Susan Owen
Location: 1381 Joe Shoemaker Rd. Vilas, North Carolina
Time: 3:30 PM, (NO POTLUCK)
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