Energy Efficiency in the Eastern Partnership: Georgia, Azerbaijan and Ukraine in Focus
📢Join us for webinar-discussion hosted as part of Erasmus+ CBHE project - The 3E-Partnership.🌎 Our panel of experts will explore the most recent strategies, technologies, and initiatives aimed at promoting energy efficiency  in the these countries.  Whether you are a policymaker, industry professional, professor or a student - this webinar provides valuable insights and motivation for promoting energy conservation.
The European Energy Efficiency towards Mutually Reinforcing Partnership with Georgia, Azerbaijan and Ukraine’ aims at empowering higher education institutions in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine and strengthening their capacities towards energy resilience and cross-regional cooperation.
The project organizes series of energy efficiency webinars 💻 to share gained knowledge, disseminating finding and bring relevant energy efficiency topics to the attention of stakeholders. The working language of all project webinars is English. 
This first webinar aims to share Georgia’s Energy Efficiency Context (based on the prepared context review),  discuss Energy efficiency policies and practices in Azerbaijan and Ukraine. 
Date of the Webinar: May 16, 2024.  ⌚ 17:00 Tbilisi time 

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