2024 OYE Scholarship
You cannot save this form once you begin, please make sure you have all information needed before starting. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE STARTING.

Deadline: December 1, 2023

Essay's, Transcript, and Resume only need to be mailed in with the 5 paper copies and not uploaded online.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Birthdate *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
County *
Cell Phone Number *
Parent's Cell Phone Number *
Parent's Names *
Name of FFA Chapter or 4-H Club *
Indicate number of years involved with 4-H *
Indicate number of years involved with FFA *
Are you a current 4-H member? *
Are you a current FFA member? *
Name of Agricultural Education Instructor/County Extension Educator *
Student's Email Address (majority of the communication will be done via email) *
Specie(s)/ Contests you will be showing at OYE *
Number of years competed at OYE *
Number of years competed in the OYE Skillathon *
Number of years competed in the OYE Ag Mech Contest *
Number of years competed in the OYE Shotgun Sports Contest *
Are you YQCA Certified *
I will be a full-time student in the fall of 2024. *
I plan to attend one of the following schools (If undecided at time of application, select all schools you are considering) *
Please Select Your Number 1 Ranked School *
If you selected "Other" please specify
I plan to pursue a degree in the medical field (Please see descriptions of our OSU Health Sciences Scholarship & Blue Cross Blue Shield Scholarship at www.okyouthexpo.com, this does not include veterinary medicine). *
My major field of study will be : *
Have you shown at the Southwest District Livestock Show? *
If you have shown at the AGR Winter Bonanza, please list the years shown.  *
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