Equitable Leadership Community of Practice White Leaders Working in/for/with Communities of Color  - Program Application 

Thank you for your interest! 

This cohort, held in collaboration with Abby Anderson of The Justice Walk, is designed to deeply support a small group of White individuals who are committed to integrating equity and belonging principles into their everyday leadership. The program was developed to complement our long-running Leaders of Color Capacity Building and Leadership Development Programs including Resilia and Leading for Change, in partnership with Five Frogs.  

Over the course of the year, participants will engage in one-on-one coaching and facilitated group discussions. This will allow folks time for self-assessment, goal setting, and skill development while co-creating a community to hold space for exploring ideas, giving and receiving feedback, practicing new tools, considering shared challenges, and celebrating progress. 

Group learning session agendas, after the kick-off meeting, will be guided by the needs and requests of the participants themselves. The mid-year group and individual meetings will allow everyone to reflect on individual and group goals, make any needed adjustments, and refocus for the second half of the year. The end-of-the-year meeting will include a discussion of individual and group learnings, feedback, and plans for continuing growth journeys into the future. 

Throughout the year the facilitator will share insights and themes gathered from participants with FCCF’s Center for Nonprofit Excellence to foster potential collaboration with and learning across other FCCF initiatives as appropriate. (Participants’ confidentiality will be preserved when sharing any themes)

If you're ready to learn, grow, and create a more equitable environment at work and in your community, complete the form below. 

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Name: *
Email *
Organization name:  *
Organization's location:  *
Do you identifiy as a White leader? *
What is your organization's mission statement?  *
What is your role or title within your organization?
How long have you been with your organization (in any role)?
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Does your organization's mission focus on the needs of traditionally marginalized communities? (Do your programs/activities mainly look to serve the needs of traditionally marginalized communities?)
Why do you want to be part of this community of practice?
Where would you say you are on your equity and belonging journey?
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If you answered "other" above, please let us know how you'd describe where you are on your equity journey?
Do you believe that the systemic, institutional racism and oppression impact people's daily lives? 
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Can you briefly tell us about one of your “Ah Ha” moments around equity and belonging - a moment where you realized, “I have a lot of work to do so that my actions and leadership, and the organization that I lead, are equitable and foster belonging”?  

Abby’s example: The organization I was with facilitated a focus group to hear from girls and young women involved with the juvenile justice system. One asked my colleague, “Who are you again? Oh, you’re just here to hear what we have to say and then you’ll go away and we’ll never hear from you again.  Got it.”  That young woman was right. We were very proud of ourselves for having these focus groups, but we didn’t have any plan to form relationships with those girls, circle back with them to share what our takeaways were to make sure they were correct from the girls’ perspectives, invite them to be part of implementation, etc. I realized we had to really look at ourselves, what we were doing, and how we were doing it.

Do you have the capacity to commit 2.5 hours per month to this community of practice?
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Will your board support your full participation in this community of practice?
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Is there anything else you think we should know?
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