Brent Baguio continues to offer a rich and diverse activities program in our first full year back to in person learning!
ESLR attainment is enhanced and varied because students develop life skills, values, relationships, character, tolerance, and teamwork through the CAS clubs/program offered at Brent Schools.
For easy registration, kindly note the following features of this form:
Club options are categorized into three primary categories: CREATIVITY, ACTIVITY, and SERVICE, offering a holistic experience that develops our Expected School wide Learning Results (ESLRs) and extends outside the classroom. Kindly go over the details and information given for each club.
Students, please select the club option of your choice, enter your guardian/parent's details to let us know that your parent is allowing you to join a club.
We encourage our students to pursue a variety of clubs that will give them balanced experiences throughout their years here at Brent. To ensure balance, a maximum of two clubs is encouraged.
A third club will be subject to the approval of the LS Head Teacher, Ms. Kat Moredo. We look forward to seeing your child pursuing a passion or trying out new things!
All students are to re-enroll this semester even if they were signed up for the same club last semester. Students must also sign up for a club even if they are facilitating that club. PLEASE ONLY FILL OUT THE FORM ONCE. This is due on Friday, February 10th by 6 p.m..
Here is a video tutorial on how to fill out this form: