Garden of Eden Friend Feedback
You help us change the world! We greatly appreciate your donations, and want to find out how to serve our friends better! Take just a moment to complete the few questions below and we will email you a coupon code for a % off your next order!
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If you have not donated for an item, but did pay a membership fee, please share what you like or do not like about your membership experience:
How many times have you ordered from The Garden of Eden? *
Which product(s) did you order? *
On a scale of 1 - 5 how thrilled are you with the quality of your product. 1 being the least thrilled and 5 being over the moon thrilled. *
On a scale of 1 - 5 how excited are you with the price of your product. 1 being you had to count your pennies to buy it and 5 being you saved so much money you can retire early. *
On a scale of 1 - 5 how much did you love the packaging of your product. 1 being ready to break it off and 5 being heart explosion of love. *
On a scale of 1 - 5 how much did you appreciate the speed of your product arriving. 1 being you forgot you ordered by the time it came and 5 being it was so fast it made you squeal with delight. *
How did you hear about us/our products? *
Will you order again? *
Do you read our Newsletter Chronicles of Eden? *
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If you do read Chronicles of Eden, which sections can you NOT live without? *
Do you want to keep getting Chronicles of Eden? *
Birth date? You can share with us if you are interested in getting special birthday presents from us!
Unlike most faceless corporations who ask for feedback and then give it to a bunch of worker drones to analyze, only the people than can truly effect change and possibly implement you suggestions will read this! You have a direct line to tell us what you love, or don't love, about any aspect of our relationship to you! Please let us know in the free form space below.
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