On behalf of the entire consortium we would like to thank you for taking the time to participate in this coding activity quality assurance evaluation. Your comments will enable us to improve the coding activity you have implemented and future ones.

The questionnaire should take less than 10 minutes.
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Information about your school
School Name: *
Country *
Education level (primary/secondary) *
Type of organization *
Information about you, the teacher or session leader
Computing experience
I have very little computing experience
I know a lot about computing (e.g. I am a specialist teacher)
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Information about the students in the session
How many students/kids were in the session? *
How old were the students/kids? *
Your opinion on the coding activity
Coding activity implemented *
How much time did it take you to prepare for the coding activity?
Please give a global mark for how easy it was to understand the coding activity before implementing it
Very hard
Very easy
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How much time did it take you to implement the coding activity with kids?
Please give a global mark for how easy it was to implement the coding activity:
Very hard
Very easy
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Do you think the proposed age range is adequate?
If no, please indicate what age range you think would be more appropriate:
Would you recommend this coding activity to other teachers/schools?
Please explain your main reason for recommending, or not recommending, this coding activity.
Is the goal of the coding activity clear enough?
If no, please, tell us why
Did you achieve the goal of the coding activity?  
If no, please, tell us why
Did the coding activity reach your expectations?
If no, please, tell us why
Did kids enjoy the coding activity?
If no, please, tell us why
Do you think kids have developed new skills while working on this coding activity?
If no, please, tell us why
If yes, please, indicate which skills have they developed:
What do you think kids like the most?
What do you think kids liked the least?
What would you change in terms of description of the activity?
Please give a final, overall mark for the coding activity:
Very poor
Very good
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If you have any other comments, please let us know below
This could cover adequacy of the information, structure, format, difficulties you have encountered...
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