Are you interested in traveling and performing wth Sol's Elite Travel Team for 2025?

Our team will compete with IDO Team Canada in 2025. Location announced soon! 
**More information coming soon. 

Please fill out this application form. 

Please Note: This team is not intended to conflict with your existing commitments to the dance studio's competitive team requirements. It is not designed to replace your current training activities. Instead, this team aims to compliment your training journey by offering additional training opportunities.

One of the primary goals of Canadian Team is to provide a platform for those seeking to expand their horizons and compete on an international level. By participating, you will have the chance to broaden your network, establish valuable connections within the dance community, and gain enriching experiences that can contribute to your personal and artistic growth!

We understand that your dedication to the dance studio's competitive team is of utmost importance. We value your contribution to both teams and believe that the synergy between them will lead to a more comprehensive and fulfilling dance journey for you.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding how these commitments can be managed effectively, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your success and satisfaction remain our top priorities, and we are committed to ensuring a seamless integration of these opportunities.

Jade DeLaronde

All dancers and ages welcome!!

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Email Address *
Destination: coming soon! 
Dancer's Full Name *
Dancer's Age (As of December 31, 2023) *
How many years have you been dancing? *
What dance studio do you currently attend? *
Video Submission
Please upload the link of the YOU TUBE LINKS for your video submission and copy the link below - mark your video as unlisted.

Video requirments
  • 1 - 2 Minute Solo Video in Jazz
  • 1 - 2 Minute Solo/Combination in Contemporary genre
  • Optional - uploading other genre videos
Please copy your video links below: *
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